Psychosis Early Warning Signs

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Psychosis, the frightening symptom that sends one off the cliff of reality. Psychosis is commonly mistaken as an illness, but as it turns out it is actually classified as a symptom that stems off of numerous other disorders. There are several forms of psychosis that one can experience. Early warning signs can be hard to distinguish, therefore it is always important to get help early on since early treatment provides the best hope for recovery by slowing, ending, and possibly reversing the effects of psychosis. Signs of a First-Episode Psychosis (FEP) follow with numerous health problems that deteriorate a person. Psychosis is not only a symptom itself, but also consist of a variety of symptoms, the two major experiences are hallucinations and …show more content…

Most of the time the person doesn’t understand what is going on. Early signs may be difficult to distinguish form typical, normal young teen or young adult behavior. These signs should not be cause for alarm, but to get an assessment from a doctor to prevent furthering into psychosis. Identifying warning signs play a crucial role in one’s life such as physical and mental health. These signs consist of drop in grades or poor job performance, trouble thinking clearly or concentrating. Suspiciousness or uneasiness with others, a major decline in self-care or personal hygiene. Spending more time alone than usual, strong inappropriate motions or having no feelings at all. Warning signs are less difficult to distinguish from a First-Episode of psychosis (FEP). Knowing when the first episode has begun may be hard, but there are signs that strongly indicate the beginning of psychosis. Hearing, seeing, tasting or believing things that others don’t. Persistent, unusual thoughts or beliefs that cannot be set aside regardless of what others believe. Withdrawing from family or friends, and once again, decline in self-care. The warning signs demonstrate a person’s deterioration of losing their grip of reality and performing basic functions. Once psychosis begins to take over the person multiple symptoms start to flow in, but the two major symptoms are hallucinations and being delusional. First hallucinations consist of seeing, hearing or feeling things that are not there. Hearing voices (auditory hallucinations), strange sensations or unexplained feelings. Seeing glimpses of objects or people that are not there or distortions. Delusions have the person having strong beliefs that are not consistent with the person’s culture, are mostly unlikely to be true and may seem irrational to others. Such as the following, believing that trial remarks, events or objects have personal meaning or significance to their

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