In current studies there are several theories of the origin of psychopathy and a small amount highlighting important risk and protective factors. These theories are based on genetics, environmental influences, callous-unemotional (CU) traits, neuro-cognition and neurobiological, and personality. Although all of the theories underline the presence of psychopathy, it is not surmised that any one of the aforementioned factors would alone lead to the development of psychopathy. Longitudinal twin studies show genetic factors as highly influential in the basis of psychopathy in children and adolescents and that early signs of anti-social behavior are inheritable in children who have callous-unemotional traits (Silva, Rijo & Salekin, 2012). Genetics …show more content…
Neurological components such as low fear response activity in the amygdala and low cortisol levels found in children are also features of callous and unemotional traits (Silva, Rijo & Salekin, 2012). In tandem with genetics and neurobiology, there is evidence that environmental factors can also influence the development of psychopathy, although it is concluded that environmental risks do not alone contribute to onset the of the disorder (Salekin & Lochman, 2008). In particular, environmental factors such as parental rejection, neglect and abuse are correlated with psychopathy and antisocial behavior (Skeem et. al., 2002). In a study conducted by Weiler and Widom (1996), individuals who were neglected and/or abused had higher PCL-R scores than those who were not. It is also asserted that the significance of studying children and adolescents rely on recognizing etiological components that can potentially have serious consequences. Inversely, an antisocial lifestyle can impair or change etiological components (Ribiero da Silva, …show more content…
Conduct problems and oppositional defiant disorder in the sample of 14-18 year old boys who displayed high conflict communication patterns with their parents while denied parental warmth, were at risk of developing higher levels of callousness. These difficulties showed that a trajectory of callousness is associated with antisocial tendencies in adulthood with an emphasis on a negative parent-child relationship. Furthermore, parent-child relationships were more significant on the effects on callousness than physical punishment and inconsistent discipline. Alongside other research on parent-child relationships, Gao, Raine, Chan, Venables, and Mednick (2010), found that maternal bonding and paternal bonding were significantly associated with high psychopathy. More specifically, low maternal care and paternal overprotection (controlling behaviors) were associated with high psychopathy in relation to emotional detachment. In addition, low maternal care was also associated with the onset of deviant behavior. These studies suggest that etiological factors are relatively strong and may persist throughout childhood and adolescent years, but can possibly be lessened through positive
Psychopathy has fascinated the public for years due to the gruesome and evil portrayal it has received in the media. Psychopathy is defined in the DSM-III as a personality disorder characterized by enduring antisocial behavior, diminished empathy and remorse, and disinhibited or bold behavior (Patrick, Christopher, Fowles, Krueger, Rober, 2009). Psychopathy represents a cluster of different dimensions of personality found amongst the general population to varying degrees (Patrick et al, 2009). The diagnostic definition is meant to be applied to adults, however psychopathology can occur in children. Controversy surrounds the topic of childhood mental illness because the brain is not fully developed until the age of 18; thus allowing the possibility that symptoms are the result of growing up and will change. The triarchic model, formulated by Christopher J. Patrick, is the most commonly used model in diagnosing adult and childhood psychopathy. This model suggests that different conceptions of psychopathy emphasize three observable characteristics to varying degrees; boldness, disinhibition and meanness (Patrick, et al, 2009). Boldness is the first observable characteristic and is comprised of low fear including stress-tolerance, toleration of unfamiliarity and danger, and high self-confidence and social assertiveness. Disinhibition; characterized by poor impulse control including problems with planning and foresight, lacking affect and urge control, demand for immediate gratification, and poor behavioral restraints. Meanness is defined as lacking empathy and close attachments with others, disdain of close attachments, use of cruelty to gain empowerment, exploitative tendencies, defiance of authority, and destructive excitement seek...
According to the Federal Bureau of Investigations website, psychopathy has been described as the single most important clinical construct in the criminal justice system. It goes on to say that the need to understand psychopathy cannot be overstated (FBI, 2013.) From environmental influence to biology, psychopathy can be looked at from several different angles. This paper examines current thinking about how the brain and its structures contribute to psychopathy.
Hare used these core factors to develop the Psychopathy Checklist-Revised assessment tool that helps detect psychopathy in people. They developed this theory because psychopathic behavior was thought of as miscellaneous of a topic to be categorized in one or two factors. The four recommended factors proposed by Hare and Neumann are: Interpersonal, Affective, Lifestyle and Antisocial. The first factor, interpersonal consists of superficial charm, manipulation, pathological lying, and a grandiose sense of self-worth. Secondly, the affective factor involves the lack of remorse or guilt, shallow affect, callous and/or lack of empathy, and failure to accept responsibility for own actions. The third factor is lifestyle, which comprises of need for stimulation and/or proneness to boredom, parasitic lifestyle, impulsivity, irresponsibility, unsatisfactory work habits, and lack of realistic long-term goals. Finally the fourth factor is antisocial and contains poor behavioral controls, early behavior problems, juvenile delinquency, criminal versatility, and revocation of conditional release (Hare & Neumann, 2005, p.58-59). According to Hare and Neumann “The 4 psychopathy factors are significantly interrelated, and thus can be comprehensively explained by a single superordinate (that is, psychopathy) factor.” (Hare, R. D., & Neumann, C. S.
To begin with, the purpose of the first experiment was to uncover which brain areas are associated with abnormal emotional processing and the subsequent disturbed social interactions that follow. The total amount of participants after excluding 2 due to artifacts was 12 right handed males. The control group was composed of 6 healthy males who had no history of neuropsychiatric problems, a mean age of 28.8, and standard deviation of 4.14. The experimental group was composed of 6 psychopathic individuals who were convicted criminals and taken from a high security psychiatric ward with a mean age of 33, and a standard deviation of 8. The researchers measured psychopathy by using the Hare Psychopathy Checklist-Revised (PCL-R [that measured psychopathy on a scale of 0-40]). They used the Positive and Negative Affect schedule (PANAS) to assess global affect states before conducting the experim...
Scientists have many theories concerning psychopaths. Scientists do not have a definite clear cut answer on what is the cause of psychopathy but they have many ideas: nature and the nurture of the person. Nature is the gene that the person carries. The nurture of the person when they were a child simply means how they were treated when they were growing up and/or how they were raised. Some scientists even consider it a possibility that it could be a mixture of the two.
Triarchic Conceptualization of Psychopathy: Developmental Origins of Disinhibition, Boldness, and Meanness. " Development and Psychopathology 21.03 (2009): 913–9. Cambridge Journals. 7 July 2009. Web.
The study of psychopathy in children and adolescents is hardly a new concept first being proposed by Cleckley (1941) and then more in depth by McCord and McCord (1959/1964) in their book The Pyschopath: An Essay on the Criminal Mind which, perhaps most importantly, emphasized that psychopathy in youth was decidedly different than other conduct disorders (being much rarer) and highlighting the need for early intervention for adolescents showing psychopathic traits (Salekin & Frick, 2005). So if psychopathy does indeed begin to manifest in childhood or adolescence how do we accurately measure it and how (if at all) can we treat it? Here we will discuss the relevant research on psychopathy and psychopathic traits primarily in children and early adolescents, discuss the current assessment measures, possible treatment strategies, as well as exploring the relatio...
In childhood, if one has abusive, manipulative, or irresponsible parents that neglect them at home, a part of their brain, which controls emotions, is damaged, and they become more prone to violence and aggression (White, Sadie. " Making a Monster: The Biological, Social, and Artistic Construction of a Serial Killer From Psychosis to Sondheim").
Depictions of psychopaths today have become exaggerated based off of what you see in movies and films. The psychopaths in movies are believed to be dangerous or have an anti-social personality disorder. Not all psychopaths can be defined in that manner. Psychopaths are identified as people who are emotionally unstable. They are ultimately suffering from a chronic mental disorder with abnormal or violent social behavior. There have been studies ultimately wondering if a psychopath is born, or is it raised? Genetics and environment combine to produce conditions that create psychopathology. By paying attention to environmental variables we can potentially reduce the amount of people who become dangerous psychopaths.
Psychopathy; the trait that truly distinguishes humans from ¨machines¨, emotionful to emotionless. Within the novel American Psycho by Bret Easton Ellis, one may logically assume that the protagonist, Patrick Bateman is indeed implied to be a psycho as the title suggests. However upon further analyzation, Bateman is revealed to be an unreliable narrator, he does not captivate the reader with all of his emotions verbally, for they are revealed through his actions. Bateman certainly does murder people, however, clinically murder doesn´t rule somebody to be a psychopath. Bateman feels no visible remorse for the victims he kills, because Bateman lives in an artificial hyperbole of a yuppie world where no love is shown, all relationships superficial.
The media most often showcases psychopaths as individuals who are inherently evil and dangerous towards themselves and others. Yet, this concept of psychopathy goes far beyond this idea of pure evil and instead necessitates a needed psychological understanding. These individuals, psychopaths, are generally characterized by a lack of empathy and conscience. Indeed, psychopath’s indifference to the repercussions of their actions combined with other characteristics such as hostility and aggression make for a potentially dangerous personality (Lyken, 1996, p.30). In order to identify a psychopath’s recidivism, it is important to differentiate them from sociopaths who, instead of having a psychological impairment that makes it difficult for them to socialize, have been systematically under socialized (Lyken, 1996, p.30). In accordance. psychologists have developed the methods such as the Psychopathy Checklist- Revised (PCL-R) to help identify those with psychopathic tendencies (Walters, 2012, p.409). That is why predictions of recidivism among psychopaths is most efficient when done
The nurturing of individuals plays a role in the making of killers, as 94% of serial killers had experienced some form of abuse as children and 42% have suffered severe physical abuse (Australian Institute of Health and Welfare, 2010). A child abuse is a determining factor, in which supports the idea that serial killers and psychopath, are influenced significantly by nurture (Australian Institute of Health and Welfare, 2011). In most cases social, cultural and physiological determinants all play a role in influencing serial killers to grow into a mass murderer. It is important that physiological and social determinants can be identified, so they could be altered for the purpose of preventing the number of crime.
6. Joseph, Jay. “Chapter 8: Is Crime in the Genes? A Critical Review of Twin and Adoption Studies of Criminal and Antisocial Behavior.” The Gene Illusion: Genetic Research in Psychiatry and Psychology under the Microscope, Algora Pub., 2004, pp. 278–279.
Adolescent psychopathy and the Big Five: Results from two samples. Journal of Abnormal Child Psychology, 33, 431–443. Magnavita, J. J. & Co. (2002). The 'Secondary' of the 'Second Theories of personality: Contemporary approaches to the science of personality. New York: Wiley & Co. Matthews, G., Deary, I. J., & Whiteman, M. C. (2009).
related to the development of antisocial aggression, the second group suggested that lack of physical