Psychopathy Essay

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What is Psychopathy?

Psychopathy is defined as a personality disorder and it is characterized by pattern of impulsive, antisocial behaviors and affective interpersonal features. Psychopathy entails of a combination of interpersonal affective features including lack of empath, Lack of remorse or guilt, low tolerance for frustration or aggression, manipulativeness and interpersonal charm.

People with psychopathy, or psychopathic personality traits, do not usually develop lasting relationships, they find it difficult to feel empathy and at the same time they have a manipulative personality which results in that they easily lie and think they are more worth than others. Owning up to societal demands of taking responsibility and conforming to norms that we all are expecting to live by are also issues that they find demanding. In addition, they also find it hard to restrain their impulses. It is the combination of these emotional, interpersonal and behavioral features that define psychopathy (Hare, 2003).
For example, children of psychopaths are more likely to be psychopaths themselves, suggesting genetic influence. Additionally, some early life experiences have been shown to increase the risks of becoming a psychopath; experiences such as negative and abusing parenting and death of a parent or someone close to the individual.

In this research paper I will be discussing some of the etiological causes of psychopathy. Causes such as genetic and environment influences on psychopathy


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