Fear of forests is very common among all human beings not only in the past, but also nowadays. First of all, it is dangerous in dark forests because there might be very dangerous animals inside. For example, wild boars and bears always appear in the forest. Sometimes they are so strong that several hunters can’t take one down. It seems to be an impossible mission for a man to go into a huge forest alone without being armed. That is why people are afraid. Secondly, people still regard forests as a place for mysterious and frightening things in lots of stories, books and movies. Those terrible pictures might resonate deeply in people’s minds, which frighten them more when they are actually in that kind of situation by themselves. Thirdly, some people that are afraid of going into dark places in forests might be because of their physical reaction. In psychology, these symptoms are called hylophobia or nyctohylophobia.
Hylophobia represents the concern of forests and is a specific phobia. Hylophobia, in someway, is very similar to Dendrophpbia, the fear of trees, Nyctophylophobia, the f...
The names are strange and he gets to know many, so it can be hard to keep track. He explains how as western people there is an initial fear of the forest and that this fear is like those of the villagers near the forest. This can be true for any western born person, or anyone unfamiliar with life in the forest. The villagers have a reason for their fear though, they believe in lots of magic and spiritual things and they believe that the dark forest is full of evil spirits and magic. Turnbull then continues to introduce the readers to the forest through the eyes of the tribe.
Since the beginning of the society, the forest has been portrayed as a place filled with darkness, and inhabited by the devil and other unworldly creatures. The rumors that were formed about what could be lurking in the forest were created to fill the void of knowledge of what was in the woods and to give them something to believe in. In reality, what lurked in the forest was still unknown to most people. The mystery of the forest was what people were so scared of.
The second It proves to be a dramatic foil to the idealistic Puritan society. The Puritans maintain a community that thrives on purity and a lack of sin. The forest, on the other hand, is a symbol of lawlessness and desecration. It is shrouded in mystery and retains a dark and foreboding air. The Puritans abhor the forest because it stands as a perfect example of evil.
There have been many films in the horror genre that have inspired fear nature for example Jaws and The Birds. The film Jaw directed Steven Spielberg inspected people to fear sharks as written by Tim Donnelly published in New York Post, ¨The taut tension of the film, aided by Spielberg’s economical use of the actual shark on screen combined with John Williams’ iconic, haunting score, plucks fear strings so effectively, it even transfers completely off-screen”. (Why ‘Jaws’ terrifies even phobia experts). This is the truth since many people were scared of going into the water after the film came out. Furthermore, the film was saw by many people since it made $ 260,000,000 on it opening weekend. This film song is still used to this
To many European settlers, these forests represented a wild and evil area. Many feared the forests and wilderness as the antithesis of civilization, community, and religion. One group in particular, the Puritans, viewed the forests not as an abundance of natural resources but as an impediment to settlement.
The Native Americans feared giant, hairy, man-like creature running about in the woods nude. How can we blame them? You and I would be frightened by a big, hairy, naked creature running through our back yard.
The Puritan society can be unsympathetic to one's inner feelings. Hawthorne created the forest to give the characters a place to escape. It was a place where they could express their true thoughts and feelings, and not be worried about how society would look upon them. There are no restraints in the natural world. People are free to do and act as they please.
Some of us lack creativity and imagination as we are told many lies about how being outdoors is very dangerous. So we stay indoors, where we believe is one of the few places where we can be safe. We have been given images that instill fear in many of us, which keeps us from being out exploring our nature. We fear the animals and bugs in nature because we believe they are able and will scratch, bite, and hurt our kids.
Traditionally, forests or woods are used to symbolize the wild and untamed, and the inhabitants are usually depicted as savages or outlaws. Hawthorne uses the forest to depict the things that Puritans are meant to avoid and that are forbidden; things that will make them sinful or turn them into savages or outlaws. He describes the "mystery of the primeval forest" and he states that the forest is a "mystery", which contradicts what the Puritans want in their society, uniformity (125). The forest symbolizes what they do not want, a change from the path that everyone must follow. Change is not tolerated in their religion; change is their evil. The forest represents this change; it is wild and untamed, not uniform. To become curious and want to explore, and stray off the path, and venture into the "mysterious forest," would be the ultimate sin, such as Hester's sin.
“I am not afraid of tomorrow, for I have seen yesterday and I love today.” -William Allen White. We can’t speak for others with these fears, the fear of being forgotten or the fear of death or dying. Athazagoraphobia is being forgotten it goes along with this quote since others fear being forgotten the next day. As were thanatophobia is the fear of death or dying you might not love today and you might fear the next day. These two fears are alike and different in many ways. For an example, they both have different symptoms, or similarities like can take medicine to cure this fear. These fears don’t have many common symptoms, when it comes to diagnosing these fears. The contrast is, for athazagoraphobia feeling
The fact is everyone is scared of something from spiders to horrors or even heights . Transformation plays a role in stories because the story line has a sense of adventure to the readers qualities such as horror,comedy,drama,and even romance. In a every story there’s always a spark or a connection to the audience that relies on the reader to fully collaborate with a good story . The same way Katniss and Peeta soon learn to rely on each other due to the game of survival , An example would be when peeta gave katniss the burned bread when she was giving up on all hope an accepting
Death is the great equalizer. We all have unique experiences in life, but we each succumb to the same final fate. Rich or poor, strong or weak, exalted or scorned; everyone is humbled when faced with his own mortality. Death does not play favorites, and Death will find everyone. Though often frightening, some argue that the thought of death also heightens appreciation of life. British novelist EM Forster wrote, "Death destroys a man, the idea of Death saves him." Indeed, knowing that time on earth is limited can motivate people to take risks. The term "carpe diem" implies that life is short, and every moment must be captured before it expires. The urgency of this phrase stems from the common fear of leaving things unfinished or unattempted. Fear is a powerful motivator, and death is the ultimate fear.
Having a specific phobia towards the natural environment may sound unrealistic but it is indeed much more common than people believe. A natural environment phobia is fear of one or more of the following: heights, storms, or water. About 75% of people with this specific phobia averse more than one of the fears listed (DSM- APA). However, there is a difference between being fearful of something and it being a personal phobia of an individual. If it is a phobia it will last more than six months. Anything shorter than six months is then dismissed as a temporary fear. In children, this anxiety will be expressed by crying, temper tantrums, freezing or clinging on to their caregiver (DSM-APA). This can also be seen in sever phobias in adults but rarely does the adult have a temper tantrum, rather, a more developed emotional response is provoked. Typically, the amount of anxiety or fear that is actually observed during a phobic episode is entirely inordinate to the actual threat that a specific phobia may have (DSM-A...
The ocean is the utmost amazing as well as the most mysterious place in the world, with hundreds of new species being discovered every year, in a place that takes about 70% of the earth's surface. This always makes people consider, “What else is out there?”. Thalassophobia is the fear of the ocean, a fear that countless people in the world suffer from. There is no clear number of people who suffer from thalassophobia, but there are multiple online groups dedicated to the phobia, with one of those having about 80,000 members.
Antony and McCabe (2005) found that possessing a phobia of animals is the most widespread fear across all other feared objects and circumstances. In fact, the absolute most common animal phobia is herpetophobia, which is a severe aversion or