Psychologists and Psychiatrists

609 Words2 Pages

Psychiatrists and psychologists both strive to better a person's well-being and improve their quality of life. Whether it's their patient's emotional struggles due to physical ailments or past events that are disrupting their mental status, psychiatrists and psychologists both seek an answer and a solution. Although psychologists and psychiatrists aim to achieve the same goals, they have many differences that make both of them stand apart. From a psychiatrist’s ability to prescribe medications, to a psychologist’s treatment methods, or both of their education, they are similar yet distinct in many ways. When it comes to treatment methods between a psychiatrist and psychologist, both choose to analyze what's inside a person. Psychiatrists tend to lean more towards chemical imbalances in the brain and how to fix and stabilize those imbalances, most commonly with psychiatric medications and counseling. Psychiatrists also stay on the lookout for any physical problems, such as a thyroid problem that could be affecting them emotionally; if a physical ailment is present then a psyc...

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