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Compare and contrast the various stages enumerated by Piaget
Theoretical perspectives in relation to cognitive development
Compare and contrast the various stages enumerated by Piaget
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Cognitive Development and Language Acquisition In terms of the cognitive development perspective, Swiss Psychologist Jean Piaget, was extremely interested in how children acquire knowledge and come to understand their world and his theories form the basis of the cognitive approach (Joyce and Weil, 1996; Heo et al., 2011). Piaget asserts that “language is a product of intelligence, rather than intelligence being a product of language” (Piaget, 1929) and he explains children 's language acquisition by using four stages of cognitive development and his theories offer a crucial theoretical basis in terms of intellectual maturation (Heo et al., 2011). Piaget contends that children form schema, or cognitive structures, through which individuals …show more content…
Secondary and Adolescent, 11 years and up. Formal Operations Stage During the formal operations stage children have difficulty reasoning in terms of complex verbal problems, however this stage is characterised by hypothetical and scientific reasoning; children think logically and still show lingering egocentrism (Blake and Pope, 2008). Piaget maintained that an enormous amount of cognitive growth takes places in the sensorimotor stage, during this period it is argued that the foundation of communicative behaviour is formed, for this the sensorimotor stage is subdivided into six sections (Bartolotta and Capone, 2010). Stages of Sensorimotor Stage Age 0-2 Years Reflexive, Birth to Months Interaction between child and environment is purely though reflexes such as sucking, grasping or looking. 2. Primary Circular Reactions, 2-4 Months A child begins to correlate motor patterns and sensory input. For example a child may unintentionally suck her thumb, if she enjoys the sensation she will do this again. 3. Secondary Circular Reactions, 4-8 Months Input-Output Schemas are more composite and focused externally. A child may put an object to her mouth in order to obtain a response in the environment. 4. Coordination of Reactions, 8-12 …show more content…
He describes first words as being “merely sensory motor schemas in process of becoming concepts” (Piaget, 1929), fundamentally Piaget cites that first words refer to systems of potential actions, as opposed to objects; with first language use being used to indicate an immediate action. He claims that first words are used to express desires or give orders and asserts that when young children name objects this is simply a statement of a possible action. Language in this context is not used to refer to objects or things, it is used by the child as a form of action (Piaget, 1929; Joyce and Weil, 1996). Piagetian theory holds that children need to understand the concept of objects existing separately from themselves, in order to understand that words can represent an object or an action; this ‘object performance’ arises in a child’s first year, which is around the same time children say their first word (Lenneberg, 1967). Between the ages of two and four Piaget cites that children’s verbal schemas develop into ‘pre-concepts’; here words are used to classify objects or individuals based on their resemblance to each other (Chapman,
The first of Piaget’s four stages of cognitive development is the sensorimotor stage. The approximate age of this stage is from birth to two years
Each schema represents a particular concept, such as a specific object, place, or action. These basic units of knowledge are constantly being modified and new ones are added as a child learns more about the world. Schemas are very important to cognitive development as they greatly affect how an individual understands and responds to both new and familiar situations. Piaget believed that even newborn babies have schemas. These few, innate schemas are formed even before a child has had the chance to explore the world. They are the cognitive structures of the basic reflexes a child is born with, such as the grasping reflex or the rooting reflex. According to Piaget, a newborn infant would have a grasping schema and a rooting schema, as well as a sucking
Piaget has four stages in his theory: sensorimotor, preoperational, concrete operational, and formal operational. The sensorimotor stage is the first stage of development in Piaget’s Theory of Cognitive Development. This stage lasts from birth to the second year of life for babies, and is centered on the babies exploring and trying to figure out the world. During this stage, babies engage in behaviors such as reflexes, primary circular reactions, secondary circular reactions, and tertiary circular
For example, all six of the sub-stages within the sensorimotor period are outlined extremely thoroughly. Along with this valuable information, many other authors are cited as their information on neuroscience and knowledge about young brains especially is mentioned in detail. Following this information, the authors related these points back to the thesis made in the beginning of the article. Piaget’s theory of cognitive development explains the many stages a developing mind encounters, which includes the sensorimotor stage which is , as mentioned above, is outlined in great
In his book written in 1954 Piaget stated that “for young infants objects are not permanent entities that exist continuously in time but instead are transient entities that cease to exist when they are no longer visible and begin to exist anew when they come back into view.” He proposed the notion that infants do not begin to understand the object of object p...
Piaget is most commonly recognised for his work in forming a theory explaining how children’s thinking evolves to become more complex with age (Passer & Smith, 2012). For more than fifty years, Piaget researched the area of child thought processes, proposing a step-wise sequence of child mental development involving four distinct stages (Passer & Smith, 2012, p. 422). According to Passer and Smith (2012), a core belief of Piaget’s was that “cognitive development results from an interaction of the brain’s biological maturation and personal experiences” (p. 422). Piaget’s research has since received considerable attention and debate as to its validity. Many assessments of his work detail a greater level of criticism than praise; this criticism presumably being in place to support recent scientific discoveries and assist in the evolution of particular elements of his theories to what is regarded as relevant today (Flavell, 1996). Despite those who doubt his work, many sympathetic theorists (labelled neo-Piagetians) have opted to adopt and
The preoperational stage last from two to seven years. In this stage it becomes possible to carry on a conversation with a child and they also learn to count and use the concept of numbers. This stage is divided into the preoperational phase and the intuitive phase. Children in the preoperational phase are preoccupied with verbal skills and try to make sense of the world but have a much less sophisticated mode of thought than adults. In the intuitive phase the child moves away from drawing conclusions based upon concrete experiences with objects. One problem, which identifies children in this stage, is the inability to cognitively conserve relevant spatial
In the second stage, preoperational, the child begins to exemplify the world with words and images that show increased representative thinking. They improve at symbolic thought, though they can’t yet reason.
Piaget believed that language development is associated with cognitive development or one’s own thought processes. Children ages 2-7 years old classify in Piaget’s preoperational cognitive stage. In this stage children use their well-developed ability to symbolize events or objects that are absent. Although children can represent the absent objects, they do not permit the child to think about the reversible cost of actions. According to Piaget, comprehending at this stage is based on appearances rather than main beliefs (Gray, 1991). For instance, one child playing with a ball of play dough may say they have less than the child playing with a flat piece of play dough simply because it is shaped differently. Also during the preoperational stage children are able to expand their vocabulary from 3,000 words to 8,000 words. Their sentences grow in length and complexity. They commonly use grammatically correct sentences and learn the basics of writing and reading (Cooter & Reutzel, 2008).
3. Concrete operations · Children continue to learn through their experiences with real objects. · They access information (using language) to make sense of their immediate and wider environment. 4. Formal operations · Children and adults learn to make use of abstract thinking.
middle of paper ... ... (1958), as cited in ‘Children’s Cognitive and Language Development, Gupta, P and Richardson, K (1995), Blackwell Publishers Ltd in association with the Open University. Light P and Oates, J (1990) ‘ The development of Children’s Understanding’ in Roth, I (Ed) Introduction to Psychology, Vol 1, Hove, East Sussex, Psychology Press in association with the Open University.
“The influence of Piaget’s ideas in developmental psychology has been enormous. He changed how people viewed the child’s world and their methods of studying children. He was an inspiration to many who came after and took up his ideas. Piaget's ideas have generated a huge amount of research which has increased our understanding of cognitive development.” (McLeod 2009). Piaget purposed that we move through stages of cognitive development. He noticed that children showed different characteristics throughout their childhood development. The four stages of development are The Sensorimotor stage, The Preoperational Stage, The Concrete operational stage and The Formal operational stage.
During this stage, children will be building up their incidents or encounters through adaptation and slowly move on to the next stage of the development as they are not able to have logical or transformational ideas in the preoperational stage (Mcleod, 2009).
Piaget’s Cognitive theory represents concepts that children learn from interactions within the world around them. He believed that children think and reason at different stages in their development. His stages of cognitive development outline the importance of the process rather the final product. The main concept of this theory reflects the view th...
Piaget believes functions of language develops over four stages which are, the sensorimotor stage, the preoperational stage, the concrete operational stage, and the formal operational stage. To briefly explain each of these children develop the sensorimotor stage from ages 0 – 2 years, Piaget sees language at this stage as more physical where children experiment with their mouths and learn to repeat parents sounds. The pre-operational stage from ages 2 – 7 years, is when children talk more and have the ability to solve problems about stories on specific and concrete facts. The concrete operational stage begins at about age 6 or 7 when children can work things out in their mind and explain their reasoning. The formal operational stage begins at 11 or 12 years when children use abstract reason and can use language to express and discuss things found in subjects such as mathematics or philosophy. Piaget highlights the roles of language in children’s lives by describing the functions of language. (McDevitt, Ormrod, Cupit, Chandler and Aloa, 2013, p. 209 –