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Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs
The purpose of maslow's hierarchy of needs essay
Maslow's hierarchy of needs case
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Maggie a girl of the streets is a book where a little girl is mistreated as a child, and she continues to be treated poorly in her adulthood. She was never loved by anyone and could never find love for herself. Attached to this book written by Stephen Crane, were many psychological theories. These psychological theories point to why Maggie’s life was never headed towards success. Maggie seemed to never rise above her past and she could never run to a place to better her future, and the the attachment theory, Maslow’s hierarchy of needs, verbal abuse, and physical abuse can prove that even having a small chance that she could have changed her life for the better. There was no hope for a better life for Maggie.
One of the psychological theories
“Psychology Theories” states The hierarchy was created by Abraham Maslow. He came up with the idea of what human beings need to be completely stable mentally and emotionally. The Hierarchy is shown as a pyramid and it can not be completed without out completing each section in order. So a person can not get to a higher position if they do not already have the lower position. This works kind of like a stairway. It is not possible to have the top stairs and not the bottom ones. The steps that need to be taken to be mentally and emotionally stable are first the psychological part of you. The next thing that needs taken care of is the safety part. You also need the love and belonging part to be fulfilled. Then comes self esteem, and lastly self actualization. At the bottom of this pyramid is the basic needs and then at the top of the pyramid is the more complex. Things that need to be achieved but may need time to develop. Also it may take a new routine or environment. Maslow refers to the bottom of the pyramid to be deficiency needs. In order to function correctly you need these things to survive, or to even get better. These are the things that can keep you from meeting all of your needs or it can enhance your chances of meeting all of your mental and psychological
Have you ever seen the Disney movie Cinderella? Cinderella was always jealous of her step sisters always being up lifted, while she was always degraded by her step mother however, at the end everything changed for Cinderella just as it did for Maggie. There are a numerous of themes throughout the story “Everyday Use”. Race is showed when Dee leaves home and comes back embracing her African American cultural. Family also plays a major role in “Everyday Use”. In “Everyday Use” Maggie’s characterization presents her as ignorant; however, a closer look reveals Maggie ignorance is not a representative of her potential but, rather her mother’s bias.
... Maggie ultimately garners respect for herself and her husband- “You're a backward lad, but you know your trade and it's an honest one,”- with her will. The challenge to overcome her father’s oppression garnered her ‘good life’ alongside the respect her father and his family business (Hobson). The search for our definition of the good life is wrought with trials and tribulation, working to overcome deep seeded trends of oppression within society and family.
Knowledge comes from experience. Since birth, Mary Shelley’s Monster from her acclaimed epistolary novel, Frankenstein, has been assaulted by all of the difficulties of life, yet he has faced them completely alone. The Tabula Rasa concept is completely applicable to him. The Monster begins as a child, learning from mimicking and watching others. He then educates himself by reading a few books which help shape his personality and give him an identity. Following Maslow’s hierarchy of needs the Monster searches for and accomplishes the basic human necessities but feels alone, and needs human interaction and companionship. “My heart was fashioned to be susceptible of love and sympathy, and when wrenched by misery to vice and hatred, it did not endure the violence of the change without torture such as you cannot even imagine,” (Shelley 115). As the book progresses, the Monster ceases to be a one-dimensional and flat watcher of humanity. Through his numerous experiences and education, the monster instead morphs into a participator of humanity with the ability to achieve goals, broaden his personality and create himself an identity.
Maggie: A Girl of the Streets, is a realist outlook on the gritty underside of Industrialized America. It is a story that doesn't withhold the dirt and grime that came with living in highly populated impoverished areas. The young Stephen Crane does a very good job portraying the destruction of a young, beautiful, and optimistic Maggie by forces outside of her own control. The rather dreary realism of the novel was a little unheard of at the time. Crane had to publish his book himself, as no publishers wanted to take the chance on a novel so negative about human nature. However, over time his story quickly cemented its roots as a fundamental column of American Realism Literature.
In this story, Maggie is a lot like her mother. They both are uneducated, loving, caring, and allow Dee to run over them. Maggie has been through more things than her mother has though, because of the incident that happened. Maggie has scars like Emily, except Maggie’s scars are from a house fire (319). The house fire has impacted Maggie’s life tremendously, since she is very self-conscious and shy. Walker stated that Maggie is “ashamed of the burn scars down her arms and legs (318). The mother is protective of Maggie and will be there for her whenever she needs her too. Even though her mother knows all her struggles, she still supports her and pushes her to be better. I think that is one reason she pushes her to marry John Thomas, because she wants her to become her own person and to be strong (319). The mother of “Everyday Use” is opposite from the mother in “I Stand Here Ironing”, because she is there for her children no matter what their financial status
When we compare to the life of Mama and that of Maggie, you find that Maggie has never undergone major challenges in life compared to her mother walker who faced a great deal of personal tragedies while in college. In order to overcome all the tragedies, she faced life with courage, dignity and strength of mind. It is with this reason that she emerges to be a very strong character who is able to live her own life confidently and also becoming and accomplished writer of exceptional calibre and competencies (Walker, pg7). Walker is an educated woman unlike her daughter Maggie who is shy and has no education. Mama is seen to be more concerned about the physical life around her as compared to Maggie who hovers around doorways doing nothing instead of involving her life with things around her and it is so evident that Mama is a very clear defined and strong character. It can be compared to Maggie who is broadminded and unselfish with a spirit of sacrifice to her
1. Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs is a motivational theory in psychology about human needs, often depicted as hierarchical levels within a pyramid. Maslow expressed that individuals are motivated to achieve certain needs and that some needs should be prioritized over others. Maslow’s Hierarchy ascends from the bottom to the top as followed: physiological needs, safety needs, social needs, esteem needs and self-actualization. The novel, "Life of Pi" follows a boy (also the narrator) who finds himself stuck on a raft for numerous days without any supplies. In the meantime, he must share his raft with a Bengal Tiger. Fending for himself he seeks out equipment and supplies that fit Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs.
In Maggie, Stephen Crane deals with poverty and vice, not out of curiosity or to promote debauchery but as a defiant statement voicing the life in slums. Drawing on personal experience, he described the rough and treacherous environment that persisted in the inner-city. By focusing on the Johnsons, Crane personalizes a large tragedy that affected and reflected American society as a whole. His creation of Maggie was to symbolize a person unscathed by their physical environment. Through Jimmie he attempted to portray a child raised without guidance who turned into his abusive, drunk father. Crane plays Jimmie and Maggie off of each other as opposites. The Mother and Father are depicted as failed drunken hypocrites and poor role models. Crane skillfully characterizes and stereotypes the personalities in Maggie to illustrate the influence of environment and the wretched conditions in slums.
As reported by the Centers for Disease Control (CDC), depression occurs in over 26% of adolescents and can lead to morbidity, mortality, and social problems that can last into adulthood (SCREENING FOR DEPRESSION IN ADOLESCENTS -- RISKS AND BENEFITS, 2015). Signs of adolescent depression can sometimes be different than adults, and possibly harder to identify. It is most often identified as an increase in negative behaviors or somatic complaints such as an upset stomach (SCREENING FOR DEPRESSION IN ADOLESCENTS -- RISKS AND BENEFITS, 2015). Behavioral changes that are associated with adolescent depression include an increase in irritability, tantrums, anger outbursts, decrease in school performance, and social isolation (SCREENING
A pyramid was proposed by an American psychologist, which came to be know as “Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs.” This concept that he brings through this theory is that to move up in human existence, in consciousness, we must first fulfill our needs based in order of their importance for our survival. If we are lacking security and safety we will not seek out, maybe even be unable to recognize, possess, or reciprocate, love.
Before all this, Maggie had been working in a factory, “where they made collars and cuffs” (Crane 967). This life is hard. Factories of the time had horrible working conditions, and left little chance for a woman to advance. Considering the slums that Maggie grew up in, though, this was one of the best options she could have. When Pete comes into her life, though, she dreams that something better has fallen for her....
Maggie lives with a poor and dysfunctional family and a hopeless future with only the small possibility of change. The environment and setting she grows up in do not support anything more than a dull, dreary and pathetic future for her. An old woman asks Maggie's brother Jimmy: "Eh, Gawd, child, what is it this time? Is yer fader beatin yer mudder, or yer mudder beatin yer fader? (Maggie, 10)" while he runs to Maggie's apartment one night. The lack of love and support of her family hinders Maggie's ability to live a happy and fulfilling life. Without knowing that someone loves her no matter what she does or how she acts Maggie may feel desperate enough to change her situation by any means she can, and without any useful guidance. Even without any positive influences Maggie grows up different from the low-life's living with and around her. Crane explains Maggie's uniqueness in the passage "None of the dirt of Rum Alley seemed to be in her veins. The philosophers up-stairs, down-stairs and on the same floor, puzzled over it" (Maggie 16). Maggie's uniqueness gives her the chance to improve her life, but only a slim chance. Even though Maggie differs from the people around her they remain sleazy, making it harder for her to change her life because she must go outside of her community for help.
Psychologist Abraham Maslow created the hierarchy of needs, outlining and suggesting what a person need to reach self-actualization and reveal the true potential of themselves. In the model, Maslow propose that a person has to meet basic needs in order to reach the true potential of themselves. Biological/physiological needs, safety needs, love/belonging need, esteem needs according to Maslow is the fundamental frame for reaching the peak of self. The last need to be met on the scale
Maslow’s hierarchy of needs is a theory in psychology that was constructed by Abraham Maslow in his 1943 paper ‘A Theory of Human Motivation.’ This theory states the needs that Maslow believed motivated humans since birth, with the lowest level of needs at the bottom and the need for self-actualization at the top. The purpose of this paper is to take Maslow’s hierarchy of needs and use it to analyze the life of a character Achilles, from the movie Troy. His hierarchy contains five different levels. The first four are the basic needs, which motivate you into action.
Food, water, sleep, and sensory gratification are all at the top of the hierarchy. These and other needs are considered to be part of the psychological needs. These rest at the top of the hierarchy because they are the essence to basic human survival. The list of these needs can be much larger or shorter depending of personal opinion. Maslow himself said that said “it would be po...