Providence's Manipulation In Romeo And Juliet

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Providence’s Manipulation in Romeo and Juliet In the play Romeo and Juliet Providence ensures that Romeo and Juliet die in order to end the feud between the two families and bring order to Verona. Providence is a combination of the Greek Fates, and God’s will, and throughout the play it is manipulating events to bring order to Verona. The feud between the Capulets and the Montagues creates disorder in the city of Verona. In order to bring an end to this feud Romeo and Juliet must die. The manipulation of Providence is required in order for Romeo and Juliet to die. Providence manipulates events in order for Romeo and Juliet to fall in love, creating opportunity for the feud to end. Providence ensures that Romeo is in depression, which creates …show more content…

Montague asks Benvolio to help him in finding either the cause or the cure. Providence ensures that Benvolio’s cure consists of Romeo falling in love with other women “By giving liberty unto thine eyes/ Examine other beauties.”(1.2.221-222). Providence’s manipulation makes the illiterate servant of the Capulets ask Benvolio and Romeo help reading the invitation list for Capulet’s feast, which coincidentally Rosaline will be attending, which creates a reason for Romeo to attend. Providence also ensures that Mercutio is also one of the attendees of the feast, granting Benvolio and Romeo access to the event as part of Mercutio’s group. Providence makes sure that Capulet is making Juliet choose a suitor, from his selection which will attend his …show more content…

The feud between the Capulets and the Montagues, causes chaos in the lives of the regular citizens of Verona making them angry at both families,
Clubs, bills, and partisans! Strike! Beat them down!
Down with the Capulets! Down with the Montagues! (1.1.67-68).
Neither Montague or Capulet are able to end the feud, as the feud had gone beyond their control, indicating that Providence’s manipulation is required in order to end the feud. Providence manipulates events so that both Montague and Capulet only have one child, and that Montague and Capulet are too old to have any other children “That God had lent us but this only child,”(3.5.165). This ensures that the death of Romeo’s and Juliet’s death would be sufficient in ending the feud. Providence ensures that both Montague and Capulet arrive at the location of Juliet’s and Romeo’s death, ensuring that they find their bodies at the same time. Providence manipulates events so that Friar Lawrence is present at the tomb, ensuring that Capulet and Montague will be able to find out about the Romeo’s and Juliet’s marriage, ensuring that further conflict would not

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