Pros And Cons Of Universal Health Care

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While Universal Health Care is viewed as having a positive effect on the world and seems to do only good, it is a thorned rose, that will produce more negative, disastrous, and unforeseen outcomes than positive ones. Universal Health Care is a system in which the government provides financial aid and medical care to everyone within the nation. Canada, Denmark, Taiwan, and Sweden have single-payer systems in which every citizens medicare costs are covered for. Currently in the United States we have private insurance and health care, meaning that if citizens can afford it they pay for their own health care privately. There has been much debate over if the United States should adopt a single payer system or if we should continue on with the system …show more content…

The system will raise our taxes detrimentally and cause major income problems for millions worldwide. It will cause our government to weaken and cause our already huge amounts of debt to increase exponentially. It will over work our hospital system and decrease the efficiency and resources in our health care systems currently. While the system appears to have only positive effects, Universal Health Care will cause more problem in our nation than it can fix. Universal Health Care in reality hides the dangers that come with it and that can cause major damages in multiple scenarios. The most important thing to remember is to vote against this policy, if we fully understand what we are being handed we can say no. Works Cited "Background of the Issue." 26 Aug. 2016, 10:46 a.m., Paul Roderick Gregory, "Obamacare a Mess? Liberals Say Go Single Payer,", Oct. 28, 2013 "Pros and Cons of Universal Health Care In the United States." U.S. News & World Report. U.S. News & World Report, n.d. Web. 05 Feb. 2017. "Pros & Cons of Universal Health Care.", 25 Jan. 2017. Web. 05 Feb. 2017. Rmuse. "Why Americans Can't Have Universal Healthcare Like Europeans." Politicus USA. N.p., 10 Feb. 2016. Web. 05 Feb. 2017. Russell Korobkin, "Comparitie Effectiveness Research as Choice Architecture: The Behavioral Law and Economics Solution to the Health Care Cost Crisis," Michigan Law

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