Pros And Cons Of Therapeutic Cloning

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Cloning and further scientific research into cloning should continue because it can lead to amazing advancements in the field of science. The word cloning has a negative connotation due to the media of today giving negative emotional reactions based off inaccurate science fiction. As humans, it is natural to fear the unknown and unusual, but when we let this fear control us we are deprived of the infinite possibilities to the betterment of humanity.
Due to such negative reactions towards cloning the public is never given the opportunity to actually go into depth about what exactly cloning does. There are two types of cloning, one of the two, “reproductive cloning is when the creation of an individual has identical genetic material to an existing being” (Bargalow). In comparison, therapeutic cloning is the removal of genetic material to clone and mend a patient's cells, organs, or …show more content…

"Therapeutic Cloning Can Save Lives." The Ethics of Human Cloning, edited by John Woodward, Greenhaven Press, 2005. At Issue. Opposing Viewpoints In Context, Accessed 11 May 2018.
Binswanger, Harry. "Human Cloning Is Not Unethical." Genetic Engineering, edited by David M. Haugen and Susan Musser, Greenhaven Press, 2009. Opposing Viewpoints. Opposing Viewpoints In Context, Accessed 11 May 2018. Originally published as "Immoral to Ban Human Cloning: Irrational Fears Must Not Block Scientific Advances," Capitalism Magazine, 19 Dec. 2003.
DeHainaut, Raymond K. "Human Cloning Is Not Inherently Unethical." The Ethics of Human Cloning, edited by William Dudley, Greenhaven Press, 2001. At Issue. Opposing Viewpoints In Context, Accessed 11 May

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