Pros And Cons Of The National Security Agency

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Grecia Campos
Professor Dombourian
English M01C
A National Duty
Imagine living in a country where people know that their online activity and searches are unmonitored, therefore, nothing can be traced back to them. Every post or message will go unnoticed regardless of the threat it may pose. The National Security Agency (NSA) has become a controversial subject after being linked to performing online surveillance on Americans. While many may feel like their privacy is being violated, very few stop to consider the other side of the coin. To begin with, the NSA has a responsibility to protect the United States with every tool at its disposal. Just as the road traffic is monitored for public safety, online monitoring is essential to the …show more content…

After 9/11, the government has worked to improve and be more secure in order to prevent another attack from happening. With the battle between protection and privacy, there are already other forms that are happening. For instance, the Transportation Security Administration (TSA) agents at airports are allowed to confiscate your belonging, look through your bags, scan your body and bags, and physically touch you. This form of monitoring is physical and just because everyone is searched does not mean that you are a bad person and they are targeting you. Same exact thing with online monitoring, it is not because the NSA does not trust its own people, it is simply a procedure that has to be done in order to provide us safety. These procedures have been a result of 9/11 and it must be reminded that it is all for the protection of all Americans. This is all vital for the safety of Americans because although many are not terrorist these bad people may be among us and they must be identified in order to track them. Most recently, the San Bernardino Attack which took place on December 2, 2015 is claimed to be the deadliest attack since 9/11. Syed Farook, one of the attackers was born and raised in the United States, this is very alarming because terrorist can even be Americans themselves. In “San Bernardino attackers 'did not post about jihad on social media’ ” the FBI Director James Comey mentions “Instead they expressed support for martyrdom using "private direct messages”." The San Bernardino Attackers did not show on their public social media profiles any links to the support of Islam or any suspicious activity but between then they talked about it privately, that is where the whole situation could have been prevented. Another tragic attack was the Boston Marathon attack “Since his death, it

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