Pros And Cons Of Minimum Wage Laws In Canada

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Minimum wage employment is still the reality for many around the world. The minimum wage law is designed to impose an enforceable standard on employers that would guarantee a minimum level of income for unionized workers. More than 90% of all countries have a form of minimum wage legislation that is helpful to workers. The benefits that come with having minimum wage laws is that it serves as an employment incentive to unemployed workers, allows working parents to support their family and helps businesses to budget. One of the positives that comes with having minimum wage laws is that it acts as an employment incentive. Minimum wage laws allow unemployed individuals incentives to take a job opportunity because they know what their minimum pay will be beforehand. Individuals seeking for a job will therefore have an advantage as they will have the opportunity to compare the money they would receive from other jobs to the minimum wage. This would allow individuals in need of a job to determine the final incentive and the perks of taking a job. Individuals knowing what their minimum pay will be beforehand also helps to prevent abuse by employers asking employees to work long hours for an unsatisfactory amount. …show more content…

Minimum wage laws are beneficial to workers because it helps support families. Nearly 25% of the minimum wage earners in Canada are working parents. Without having a minimum wage law in place these workers may be forced to work for less money, which would not help support their family and could further result towards putting the family into debt. Considering that a huge number of minimum wage earners are working parents and are raising a family, a minimum wage law is greatly beneficial to

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