Pros And Cons Of Justin Cronin

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In “Confessions of a Liberal Gun Owner”, Justin Cronin identifies himself and his political beliefs as “devoutly liberal” (203). However, Cronin’s ideals transcend political affiliation when it comes to the issue of gun ownership. Among the reasons Cronin gives for his pro-gun stance – generally reserved for conservatives - is “the seductive psychological power” (204) of a gun as well as the safety and welfare of his family. It is those desires – rooted deep in Cronin’s psyche – that drive an otherwise steadfast liberal to support the basis of a conservative agenda. Violence and gun control laws are strongly correlated for both political parties, but inversely so. Whereas Democrats believe lessening crime requires stricter gun control laws, Republicans believe lessening crime requires less strict gun control laws. However, as Cronin has shown, the need to identify with a political party should not distort facts about gun control, nor be the sole reason for an opinion in favor of, or in opposition to gun ownership. …show more content…

In Chicago, mere months after granting concealed carry weapon permits, “homicide rates improved to a 56 year low” (Istook). Placing the power of protection into the hands of responsible citizens has taken power away from criminals. The right to own a weapon, within legal statutes, is not only a right granted by the second amendment, but also a deterrent to crime, and is legislation that liberals and conservatives alike can support. However, Party lines and media sensationalism have separated public opinion on gun control issues, and made a sensible solution to escalating crime -allowing concealed carry weapon permits – difficult to

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