Pros And Cons Of Imperialism

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Imperialism: Appealing or Displeasing? At a glance Imperialism is seen as a horrendous practice that many European nations practiced at the turn of the century. With Britain at the top and many other nations coming up behind them Imperialism seemed to be the way to go. But why would such a practice that involved exploiting the natives and harming both the land and people be so appealing to the public? The profits offered by Politicians and Officials hid the truth behind Imperialism, swaying the opinion in favor of money, goods, and a sense of moral duty. Imperialism was a great example of ‘a wolf in sheep’s clothing’, its promise of greatness for everyone involved outweighed the hardships many endured from it. The pros and cons of Imperialism …show more content…

Imperialism brought in more money. And the big money maker at that time was Africa, England especially had taken quite a few colonies there. Joseph Chamberlain when addressing the public, stated that- “Uganda is a most fertile country. It contains every variety of climate; in a large portion of it European colonization is perfectly feasible;…there is hardly anything which is of value or use to us in our commerce which cannot be grown there- (Overfielld 7)”. When powerful nations such as England and France began colonizing in Africa and other places they took natural resources such as rubber, ivory, spices, diamonds, and gold, and sold them on the market. Rubber was used to make a multitude of products from tires for the new and improving automobile, insulation for wires, and more. Rubber was the secret to being successful. In Britain, Indian goods were beginning to take flight because they were ‘exotic’ and ‘new’. Teas, spices, cloths, and foods from India were popular throughout England and Europe due its colonization. The nations profited from the native’s labor by planting cash crops like cotton, coffee, and Tabaco. All of these points proved to the citizens of Europe that Imperialism was a good move in the chess game of life, European nations were the kings, and their colonies mere pawns in …show more content…

Africans and Indians were seen as ‘lesser races’ and ‘uncivilized’, so the Europeans saw it as their moral duty to civilize them and introduce them to Christianity. In a speech made to prove how beneficial Imperialism was, Chamberlain told the public- “I am convinced that it is a necessity as well as a duty for us to uphold the dominion of the empire which we now possess…(Overfield 6)” meaning that it was their duty to spread the influence of their empire to the ‘savages’ that inhabited Africa. They used this excuse to build railroads throughout both India and Africa, and used again as an excuse when people started accusing Imperialists of abusing their power over Africans and hurting them. The same ‘moral obligation’ card was always pulled; “What we want is to give this country the means of communication by railway from the coast which would bring to that population—which is more intelligent than the ordinary populations in the heart of Africa—our iron, and our cloths, and our cotton, and even our jewellery- (Overfield 7)”. They, being the politicians and officials who supported Imperialism, would take on the role of ‘saint’ and preach that they wanted to help the colonies they were controlling. They wanted to give means of transportation by building railroads, they wanted to give them iron and clothing and jewelry. But the railways helped the Europeans more than the natives,

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