Pros And Cons Of Helicopter Parenting

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The parenting insanity crept up on society slowly. A fear was incited in moms and dads that their parenting was no longer sufficient. In result, they started to overcompensate. Helicopter parents began to hover over every school, playground, and practice field. The term helicopter parent was first termed to the generation of Baby Boomers, who became the parents to the Millennials. Over the years we began to see a correlation between over parenting and a child’s future success. Helicopter parents are negatively impacting the future growth and success of their children. Helicopter parenting took over the parental world by storm. Parents became fixed on providing a better childhood, than they had. Lythcott-Haims states that many parents’ concerns revolve on not being involved enough in their child’s life and education, but shifting to the opposite spectrum can produce just as much damage. This generation of millenials are in constant contact with their parents and are guided by their advice. According to the Datatel 2006 College Parent Survey, parents of today’s college …show more content…

Hovering parents relieve their children from responsibility. The fear is if parents solve all the problems, their children will never learn adult life skills. The lack of this skill set impedes the self-reliance and maturation of the child. The communication between parent and child should not interfere with the child learning to function like an adult. According to Lythcott-Haims, parents should not focus on solving all of their children’s problems for them, but on providing the stability of a nurturing relationship. The pressure of attaining the perfect grades, jobs, awards, etc. should shift to developing the morality and preparedness for the world. Parents must provide unconditional love, not unconditional

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