Pros And Cons Of Drone Strikes

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Drone Strikes Drone Strikes are used by the United States in countries such as Pakistan and Afghanistan in order to aid the war on terror. The proper usage of attack drones by the U.S. has been fiercely debated since President Obama has greatly increased the use of attack drones. Those who are against it argue that the strikes are not ethical and harm too many civilians for the number of possible threats the strikes eliminate. However, because these strikes are very beneficial to the war on terror and save numerous lives by combating threats and protecting American soldiers, our military should continue drone use abroad. First and foremost, drones are an exceptional alternative to conventional methods of military action in the Middle East. …show more content…

The drone debate section of provides information that states that the U.S. military allocated $5 billion to drones in the 2012 budget, this makes up a meer 1% of the total budget. In comparison, the F-35 strike program, only one of the manned strike vehicle programs, cost the U.S. over $9 billion (“Should the United States”). These statistics could be due simply to the military choosing to invest more time and money into the manned strike programs, or more likely due to the cost of each drone and operation of that drone being significantly less than that of a manned aircraft. The cost to operate one manned aircraft on a mission for an hour can exceed $160,000 while the per-hour cost of an unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) will most likely not exceed $5,000. These estimates would lead to drones subsequently being .03% of the cost of traditional options and these conventional options being roughly 33 times more expensive than the UAVs (“Should the United States”). Drones also provide an option for the military to eliminate threats without being as invasive of the foreign country as other options …show more content…

Drone strikes target and eliminate threats that could harm not only U.S. citizens, but also other countries and civilians that live in the states where drone are utilized. More than 3,500 militants that could have been a threat and possibly already a threat to the United States have been eliminated by unmanned aircraft (“Should the United States”). In a statement covered by CBS news, President Obama stated that “dozens of highly-skilled al-Qaeda commanders and operatives have been taken off the battlefield. Plots have been disrupted that would have targeted international aviation, U.S. transit systems, and our troops in Afghanistan” ( President Obama Defends). President Obama’s drone strikes have undoubtedly saved hundreds of lives abroad and in the States. Not only has the U.S. defeated large and small groups of militants with drones, but specific, high-profile targets as well. One such recent target was Mohammed Emwazi, also known as Jihadi John; Emwazi was the face of ISIS who appeared in numerous videos dressed in all black, holding a knife, and in some cases, beheading hostages who were in the country for very peaceful reasons. The killing of Emwazi, carried out by three drones in November 2015, was not as much of a tactical move as some other drone strikes have been, but more of a blow to the prestige and confidence of ISIS in the Middle East (Starr, Botelho, and Payne). In 2013,

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