Proportional Representation In Canada Essay

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The Recipe for Disaster - intro Many political groups are considering in adapting Proportional Representations, however, many political groups aren’t fully aware of the consequences it may come with. Proportional Representation is the voting system where the percentage of votes a party gets is the number of seats they get, it is a system designed to give representatives the same amount of seats as the percentage of votes they received (What is Proportional Representation? (n.d.). Retrieved November 05, 2017). Many disadvantages and challenges may arise if Canada decides to have Proportional Representations in the political system, which is a recipe for disaster. The size of the population in a country plays a significant role in the political …show more content…

Many countries are wanting to adapt this electoral system, however, many aren’t fully aware of the consequences and how problems would occurred. For instance, extremist parties making their come back to political parties, citizens voting with little to no knowledge of the politicians, platforms, or the cause. “..on theoretical grounds by men who are capable of understanding the anomalies of the existing system under which the tyranny of majorities have caused so many gross abuses.” (Proportional Representations, …show more content…

(Democracy Defined. (n.d.). Retrieved November 05, 2017) The electoral system in Canada has had success in preventing extremists from forcing their way into the political system, however, if Canada adapts Proportional Representation it will give extremist a chance of forcing their way into the political system. The more a system favours larger parties and discriminates against smaller ones, the more likely it will be that voters will choose to favour a larger party rather than waste their votes on the smaller competitor. (PR and the Right wing Extremist N/A). Without Proportional Representation, it’s harder for smaller extremist parties to be elected in elections. Extremist are able to gain seats and force their way in easier in an electoral system with Proportional Representation, Germany 1933 is an excellent example of proportional representation. The Election of the Reichstag by proportional representation was the essential condition for the breakdown of the German Republic (HITLER RISE LAID TO VOTING SYSTEM. (1936, Nov 01). Hitler came to power in a Democracy as the Nazi’s gained seats in the Reichstag, however, Hitler was not elected by direct popular vote but proportional representations. (Thomas DeMichele, Hitler Was Elected President in a Democratic Election, 2016) Hitler came to

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