Progressive Working Conditions

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I agree with this statement, I would say this because I do think the were successful, due to the fact it was their job to change and fix america's problems. The biggest thing that the progressives did very good on child labor & working conditions I’m saying this because now when you look at how it is now it changed everything, children don't get underpaid if they choose to work at 14 and they can not work for as long as adults, also the working conditions changed to due to if you don't change them to fit city/ state law your business gets shut down but it is much cleaner now and not as dangerous. child labor was horrible in this time period because back then many companies would have children working because they knew they could get away with paying them less, and they liked doing that due to that fact they get to keep more money, but they also had children stick limbs into machinery if it was clogged because they were smaller and able to do it better than adults, that was when bad working conditions came in because the machinery was horrible, how dirty, rusty, and old it was, so this would often cause children to lose arms, legs, and fingers so they could keep working and doing so if they would get to hurt, and not be able to work for a week, or do the specific job

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