Programming is Fun

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“Most good programmers do programming not because they expect to get paid or get adulation by the public, but because it is fun to program.” – Linus Torvalds, creator of Linux.
As a child, I always bombarded my parents with the ever-persistent question of “why?” Naturally, after my parents bought our first computer, I began to wonder how computers worked. I saw the computer as a magic box that drew upon the unknown forces of another dimension to display funny cat videos on a mini TV. Neither of my parents studied computers and nobody in my household knew how to use Google, so I was left wondering. On a fateful trip to the library, I spotted a thick intimidating “PHP for Dummies” book written for anyone but a curious ten year old. When I finally grasped the basic lingo (HTML, SQL, PHP, and other strange permutations of capital letters), I was on my way to becoming a computer programmer.
At first, it felt like magic as “Hello world” materialized on my computer screen, knowing I had made the computer do that. Eager to explore the frontiers of this new magical ability, I learned and prac...

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