Pro Gmo Persuasive Essay

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It has been said that within the next 50 years, the world will have to feed the same amount of people as it did in the previous 10,000. If this theory is true, then GMOs can help. There are many opposing thoughts about genetically modified organisms, otherwise known as GMOs. A GMO is a plant, animal, or microorganism whose genetic material has been altered in a way that does not occur naturally, meaning that the human race has created it. Many people have different points of view regarding GMOs. Environmentalists are afraid that GMOs will cross pollinate with other plants and cause hybrid plants that are hard to control. Environmentalists worry that some of the genetic modifications can cause health problems, but the data does not support this concern. Pro-GMO advocates point to increase yields and less harmful pesticide use and the fact that there are no documented adverse health reactions to GMO usage. …show more content…

The answer to this question is not black or white, meaning that it is a simple question that has a complicated answer. There are many things in today’s world that are genetically modified from their original state. Some modified foods are corn, salmon, potatoes, squash, soybeans and many many others. Even something as well-known as watermelon is also genetically modified. GMOs can also provide vitamins that are hard to acquire for some people, such as vitamin A. Vitamin A deficiency is a serious problem for over 250 million people in the world. Lack of Vitamin A causes blindness or even death. A way to fix this problem is golden rice. Golden rice is Genetically modified to have more Vitamin A and help prevent blindness around the world. This supports that GMOs can not only assist in solving the world’s hunger problem, but in preventing cases of blindness around the

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