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+ positive effects of GMOs
Conclusions on the pros of GMOs
+ positive effects of GMOs
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Genetically modified organisms (GMOs) are a highly debated topic all around the world. Someone from each side of the debate has an argument as to why GMOs should or should not be produced. Unfortunately, many others who are consuming these genetically modified products do not know that they are eating them and they do not know what they are. According to The American Heritage Dictionary online edition, a GMO is “an organism whose genetic characteristics have been altered by the insertion of a modified gene or a gene from another organism using the techniques of genetic engineering.” For example, corn had been modified to withstand herbicides giving farmers the ability to spray their crops with much more pesticides. In return, these pesticides …show more content…
end up on a person’s dinner table for consumption. Educating the buying public on GMO foods is necessary because of the dangers of genetically modified organisms, chemicals, and the unknown long-term effects. Education is crucial to understanding the dangers of the genetically modified (GM) food that is sold in grocery stores for the everyday consumer. Scientist introduced GMOs, which are also known as biotechnology in the early 1990’s. They made the products available to the public with the claim that they can provide food that is disease resistant. Another reason for the introduction of these products is to stop world hunger. Presently, American grocery stores have GMOs in approximately eighty percent of processed foods. According to William Engdahl author of “GMO Food Genetic Chains” states, “Environment officials praise GMO crops as ‘safer than conventional’ ones…” (1). In an argument similar to Engdahl’s, Jan Lucht mentions, About a decade after the first transgenic plants were created in a laboratory, GM food plants were introduced into the market. In 1994, the FLAVR SAVR tomato, modified to delay premature fruit softening, hit the shelves of U.S. grocery stores. From 1996 on, insect-resistant Bt maize and Bt cotton, as well as transgenetic herbicide tolerant soybeans and oilseed rape were planted…. In 2014, GM crops were grown by 18 million farmers in 28 countries…. (4254,4255) To point out, these GM crops are being spread all around the world at an extremely rapid pace without considering the possible dangers this is causing to the environment and human health. Additionally, the United States has approved the use of genetically modified crops without the need to label them grounded on scientific studies claiming that they are safe. Although these studies were performed by companies like Monsanto, they are the ones that create GMOs and sell them for a profit. On the other hand, other independent studies have results that are conflicting with the GMO companies; for example, one independent study shows massive tumor growth on rats along with other health issues over time from consuming GMO feed. Engdahl is correct when he says, “It indicates how thoroughly Monsanto and the GMO agribusiness grain lobby have been able to control government oversight” (12). It is worrisome to think that the American government is more concerned with money than the health of its citizens. Conversely, over sixty other nations including the countries in the European Union and China do not believe the GMOs are harmless. Moreover, these countries have heavy restrictions on these crops and some even have complete bans on GMOs because they do not find GMOs safe; although, almost every nation consents to feed GMOs to animals. Furthermore, we are consuming these animals that have major health issues from feeding on GMO diets. In conclusion, Americans are consuming GMOs from much of the meat, more than half of the processed foods, and some of the fresh produce sold in stores and if the public is not aware of this then nothing can be done to stop people from consuming them. GMOs are loaded with hazardous chemicals that the everyday consumer must be conscious not to ingest. An online source called The NON-GMO Project gave a nice explanation of why the chemicals in GMOs are dangerous saying: Over 80% of all GMOs grown worldwide are engineered for herbicide tolerance. As a result, use of toxic herbicides like Roundup has increased 15 times since GMOs were introduced. GMO crops are also responsible for the emergence of “super weeds” and “super bugs:’ which can only be killed with ever more toxic poisons like 2, 4-D (a major ingredient in Agent Orange). GMOs are a direct extension of chemical agriculture and are developed and sold by the world’s biggest chemical companies. The long-term impacts of GMOs are unknown, and once released into the environment these novel organisms cannot be recalled. According to The American Heritage Dictionary, online edition an herbicide is “a substance used to destroy or inhibit the growth of plants, especially weeds.” Furthermore, the Oxford English Dictionary online edition defines a “super weed” as “a weed that is extremely robust or resistant to herbicides or natural checks on growth; (in later use) esp. one resulting from genetic modification.” In other words, these GMO crops that were engineered for herbicide tolerance have unintentionally but directly impacted other things in nature such as, weed and bugs. If these are the accidental and obvious effects of what is happening in nature, then more testing must be required to see what it is doing when humans ingest these chemicals. Robyn O’Brien who is a journalist from an online source called Just Label It states, “Genetically engineered foods have typically been hardwired to withstand increasing doses of crop chemicals.” Unfortunately, in many cases, these foods like sweet peppers are consumed raw by people young and old. Currently, consuming GMOs is much like running an experiment on the American citizens because the people in American society are unaware of any unknown long-term effects. It was written in “GM Crops – Just the Science” that, “Contrary to industry claims, GM Foods are not properly tested for human safety before they are released for sale. In fact, the only published study directly testing the safety of a GM food on humans found potential problems. To date, this study has not been followed up” (1). This is a perfect illustration that examines the possibility of health effects on humans. Other short-term testings have been completed on animals showing health side effects as well. Doctors in the field are now telling the everyday patient to shop the outside of the grocery store, eat natural foods like fruits and vegetables, and avoid processed foods in order to obtain better health. Dr. George Amofah who is the General Secretary of Ghana Public Health Association published an article asserting that: Increasing trends in organ disease and GMOs use have been observed. There is some correlation between organ disease, increasing GMO in the food supply, and glyphosate herbal application with the possibility of endocrine disruption. Organ disease mentioned include: Thyroid cancer; Liver and Intrahepatic bile duct cancer; Hypertension; Acute kidney disease; Diabetes mellitus; Autism; Alzheimer’s disease; Parkinson’s disease; Senile dementia; Inflammatory bowel disease – Crohn’s and Ulcerative colitis; Rheumatoid arthritis. Though these have not been proven yet there is a need to keep an eye on the correlation through further observational and epidemiological studies. While anti-GMO campaigners fight for the freedom to know what is in their food, pro-GMO lobbyist argues that the food is safe for consumption. Although, there has not been enough testing or studies to verify. Furthermore, people should not be used as lab rats for testing but, as long as the government permits these foods to be distributed to consumers without informing them, that’s exactly what they are doing. Some would argue for the distribution of genetically modified foods with the claim that they are safe and that is why labeling is not necessary.
According to Galyna Sidyelyeva, “research has provided insight into the issue of the nutritional value of GM crops. For example, the Venneria group tested genetically modified wheat, corn, and tomatoes. They found wheat and corn are similar to their non-GM counterparts and tomatoes differ only in their antioxidant content, having a lower amount than their unmodified relatives” (50). With this in mind there are many people in the world today that may find value from GM crops; for example, in countries where people are starving. While the crops may not be identical to its non-GM counterparts, these countries will still profit from them. In “A dubious success: The NGO campaign against GMOs,” Robert Paarlberg asserts, “Unfortunately, in the case of NGO [non-GMO] campaigns against GMO crops, they typically emerge from rich countries while imposing consequences on poor countries” (228). As one can see, these rich countries may have succeeded in not allowing some GMOs in but to date in America they still are not labeled; so, they are only hurting the poor countries by trying to make a controversy over labeling that is
unnecessary. Searching for food that is labeled NON-GMO is a way to safeguard one’s health not only in America but in poor countries that cannot afford to defend themselves as well. While the majority of people who are aware of GMOs would like to know if the food they are eating has GMOs in them, the United States Government does not require the labeling of them. The United States is one of the only developed countries that does not require the labeling of GMOs. The reason for this is because the United Stated government believes that the labeling of genetically modified organisms is absolutely unnecessary. Although, enough testing hasn’t been completed to truly verify that GMOs are nontoxic. While some claim that non-GMO campaigner is hurting these poor countries, they are actually helping them. Studies suggest that GM crops do not have much more success than non-GM crops in harsh conditions. Furthermore, the distribution of non-GM seeds would become more beneficial to people in poor countries if after further testing it is discovered that GM foods are causing health issues because then one would have to take into account health care services for those poor people. Nevertheless, this battle has Americans in a different situation than many other countries around the world. While other countries offer labels for GMOs; Americans have to learn how to read labels to verify the food they are eating is safe. Below is a chart that examines where the United States stands next to other countries, in reference to GMO labeling. Needless to say, if a person would like to avoid eating food that is contaminated with the poisonous genetically modified organisms they must learn how to search labels to ensure they do not contain the organisms. Typically finding food that does not contain GMOs can be accomplished in a couple of different ways; for example, by searching for products that are organic or labeled NON-GMO. Because the government refuses to label food that contains GMOs, people campaigning for NON-GMOs have created their own label that says just that – NON-GMO. By purchasing products that have this seal you are safeguarding your health from the potential bad health side effects of consuming GMOs. As mentioned previously, also look for food that is marked as organic. Although, one must keep in mind that buying products labeled USDA organic only guarantee’s that the product is 95% organic. To summarize, one may argue for or against GMOs but frankly more long-term studies need to be accomplished to assert anything one way or another. On the other hand, one must be cautious to protect their health against the overwhelming evidence that suggests that GMOs may be the cause of many health issues. Education is key to safeguarding each person’s health against the possible dangers of GMOs.
Food is an essential part of everyday life without it one could not survive. Every day we make choices on what we put in to our bodies. There are countless varieties of food to choose from to meet the diverse tastes of the increasing population. Almost all food requires a label explaining the ingredients and the nutritional value allowing consumers to make informed decisions on what they are consuming. However, many may not be considering where that food is coming from or how it has been produced. Unfortunately, there is more to food than meets the eye. Since 1992, “ the U.S. Food and Drug Administration ruled, based on woefully limited data, that genetically modified foods were ‘substantially equivalent’ to their non-GM counterparts” (Why to Support Labeling). GM food advocates have promised to create more nutritious food that will be able to grow in harsh climate conditions and eventually put an end to world hunger in anticipation of the growing population. There is very little evidence to support these claims and study after study has proven just the opposite. GM crops are not only unsafe to consume, but their growing practices are harmful to the environment, and multinational corporations are putting farmers out of business.
Do you know what you're really voting for? Iowan farmer Reg Clause suggests you may not in his column, “Say ‘no’ to GMO labeling.” Reminding readers that general election day has come, he attempts to convince us that a certain law should be voted against. The proposed legislation would mandate all foods that contain genetically modified organisms, also know as GMOs, to display a warning label on their packaging. He argues that this would be detrimental to the good name of these types of foods when they do not deserve to be shamed. I agree that the genetically engineered crops should not be labeled, but not because that would tarnish their name. However, the reasoning for my opinion comes from the perspective that it would not only be impractical
The word GMO stands for Genetically-Modified Organism and can also be referred to as Genetically Engineered foods, Genetically Modified Foods, and Biotech. Genetically engineered foods are created when one desired trait is isolated and introduced to another plant by inserting the certain gene. The process, considered genetic breeding, and is much more precise than the regular breeding. While GMOs have been in food for 20 years, currently, the controversy and genetically engineered farms are larger than ever. 82% of Americans want GMOs labeled, but majority fail to understand them (Swanson). 90% of all US grown corn, canola, soybeans, and sugar beets have DNA bits from the lab (Woolston). The United States is the top GMO growing country with 70 million hectares of land dedicated to these farms. (Lee). These modified crops and plants for human and animals are created mainly for withstand herbicides or to produce an insectide. “No GMO traits are on the market for bigger yields, drought resistance, enhanced nutrition or any other consumer benefit” (Burnham). Overall, GE foods’ main purpose is to save money for large corporations.
GMO`s are starting to rapidly take over our food supply, but what exactly is a GMO? A GMO is a make up of DNA that is combined forcefully with a plant or animals DNA, and creates a new version of it. Seeing these products sold in stores for the first time people question what the change is from the natural, and organics, because when someone reads GMO they wonder if it is healthy and safe to consume.
According to an article titled “Genetically Modified Foods Eaten” regularly by Linda A. Johnson today, essentially 40% of the foods we eat are genetically modified, unless you eat organic foods and/or you grow your own. Most products containing corn, soil, canola oil, or cottonseed oil contain genetic modification. One of the biggest genetic modification company is Monsanto (Johnson). She goes on to say many Americans don’t even know they are consuming genetically engineered foods. In “Genetically Modified Foods Confuse Consumers” by Mary Clare Jalonick writing in the Washington Times, has talked about how this is because the FDA does not require them to be labeled. Jalonick has said, “Genetically modified foods are plants or animals that have
You might have heard GMO thrown around by scientists or news stations before. It stands for genetically modified organism. This is a relatively new technology that has sparked a huge debate. Organisms are genetically modified by taking genes from one being and transferring them to another being in order to change the qualities of the resulting species. Now this seems like a very good thing, and in some ways it is, but it has some very serious consequences. When humans start to tamper with nature, trouble is never far away. The same is true for genetically modified foods and organisms.
“Genetically Modified Organisms”, or in other words GMO, is a method of altering mirco-organisms which include plants, fish, yeast, bacteria and mammals. These organisms have been engineered with increased carbon capacity and a smaller need for nitrogen fertilizers. These organisms are made from the DNA of bacteria and the DNA of other plants and animals. Thus genetically diverse, these various combinations cannot naturally happen in nature. All GMO’s are created to defy any herbicide or insecticide it comes in contact with. GMO’s are the origin of genetically modified foods that we see every day.
How many of you hear the words “genetically modified food” and immediately think “BAD”? How many of you scorn the idea that genetically modified foods are useful? How many of you have been manipulated by the media to think that all biotechnology is evil? Genetically modified organisms (GMOs) are organisms that have been genetically spliced to achieve a certain trait. As the demand for a larger food supply is increasing due to population growth, the benefits that GMO foods provide are being hailed as the only solution to the food crisis. However, many people are making inadequately informed decisions, and are pushing them to the back shelf. I will inform you on why genetically modified organisms may be the only way to a stable, safe future for the less fortunate.
Genetically modified foods are developed by combining genes from two different organisms which alters it's DNA and do not occur naturally. Biotechnology is relatively new so like most people, I turned to research to argue this issue with facts. In my opinion, genetically modifying foods have more harmful effects than they do beneficial. I am against their use because it creates safety risks for our health and animals, it can damage the environment and we have to deal with the total costs.
In the U.S., GM foods have received little public opposition; this is largely due to the fact that food manufacturers are not required to label their products as containing genetically modified ingredients for fear of confusing consumers. Due to the lack of evidence that genetically altered foods are harmful, the Food and Drug Administration considers GM foods to be “generally regarded as safe” (known as GRAS) and no special labeling is required (Falkner 103). In the U.S., genetically modified crops are monitored by t...
The term GM foods or GMO (genetically-modified organisms) is most commonly used to refer to crop plants created for human or animal consumption using the latest molecular biology techniques (Whitman, 2000). These plants have been modified in the laboratory to offer desired traits such as increased resistance to herbicides or improved nutritional content. Also, genetic engineering techniques have been applied to create plants with the exact desired trait very rapidly and accurately. For example, this is done by the geneticist isolating the gene responsible for drought tolerance and inserts it into another plant. The new genetically-modified plant will now have gained drought tolerance as well.
GMOs can also bear consequences in terms of genetic pollution and alteration, from contamination and mutation to adaptation to evolution to species extinction. Indeed, some claims are not well supported and may require testing, like genetic alteration through consumption or the validity of correlating animal health deficits with GM feeds. However, overall, GM foods clearly affect the world negatively in terms of biodiversity and ecosystem impacts. With all of the controversy surrounding GMO foods: health versus biodiversity; benefits versus dangers; pros versus cons, a topic that always arises is the subject of labeling. Labeling has been a matter of discussion for years and surprisingly, it is a hot debate that is still full of life.
In this day and age, Genetically Modified Organisms (GMOs) have become a topic of large interest in the media. GMOs are defined as an organism whose genetic structure has been altered by incorporating a gene that will express a desirable trait (Dresbach et al. al. 2013). Often times, these traits that are selected are either beneficial to the consumer or producer. Currently, GMOs are being created at a higher rate than ever before and are being used in the foods that we eat.
Genetically modified (GM) foods have become omnipresent over the past decade. They are a technological breakthrough that allows humans to manipulate and add foreign genes to crops to enhance desired traits, but they have also evolved into a controversial issue, especially for Third World countries. Some people believe that GM foods not only provide larger yields to feed hungry citizens in Third World countries, but they can also be a source of great nutritional value. For example, researchers have developed a strain of golden rice containing high amounts of vitamin A and numerous other vitamins and minerals. Additionally, GM crops are laced with herbicides and pesticides, and therefore reduce the need for chemical consumption. Opponents of GM foods claim that they pose a threat to the health of consumers and that these crops could eventually cross-pollinate in an unregulated fashion or lead to the growth of superweeds and superbugs resistant to the herbicides and pesticides woven into the genetic fiber of the crops. Developed nations should promote research and monitoring from an ethical point of view and financial assistance through philanthropic ventures in order to limit environmental and health risks. They should also make sure that limited cultural displacement will result from the introduction of GM crops and that instead, a better livelihood and well-being through collaboration will emerge. Hence, GM crops should be introduced only provided that the developed nations assume the ethical and financial responsibilities for the environmental, health, and social consequences that attend this new innovation.
Genetic engineering seems decades away, but through modern technology, it has recently entered the human realm. Some believe genetic engineering will bring forth great advancements in the human brain and body, but instead some believe one mistake creates a world where every child will be genetically engineered just to keep up with the rest of society. Many times, the media plays a very strong role in the image of this issue, and masks the true identity of this social injustice. However, what forms of genetic engineering can be done in humans today? What is in store for the future? What are the risks and what could be the possible benefits? Currently gene therapy is one of the only ways to change the genetic makeup of an animal or human. Also,