Pro Euthanasia Research Paper

800 Words2 Pages

Should a person who has gone beyond suffering, is terminally ill and has no mentality to live anymore have to suffer any more than they already do? I do not think so. Euthanasia is the painless killing of a willing patient who has an incurable disease or illness. Even though the issue is very controversial, I believe that Euthanasia used correctly is extremely beneficial to the happiness and dignity of suffering patients who wish to die. Some of the major reasons why I believe euthanasia should be a choice all critical patients have are, every human has the right to freedom of choice, it helps a patient die with dignity, and lastly it makes extreme economic sense. Euthanasia as is a helpful tool that can help many patients all over the world feel at peace.

It is a human beings fundamental right to live. We all have the right to a life, but the right to live subsequently comes with the right to die. If a fatally ill patient who is in a good state of mind (not carrying a mental illness) wants to end their …show more content…

Several hospitals mostly in third world countries run out of hospital space and equipment very fast. When there are individuals who are ill and can be cured they are not getting speedy access to resources because health care equipment are being used on patients who have no chance to live. Which is ineludibile if this patient wants to stay alive longer, but recurrently that is not the case. Around the world there are many cases where patients want to perform euthanasia but their wish is not being granted. I think that making the patient live longer is unintelligent as not only would it benefit the patient, it will free up valuable resources that can be used to treat patients who actually want to live. Euthanasia is again extremely beneficial to the health care system and will save the lives of patients who want to be

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