Privatization In Education Essay

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Global trend of privatization in education
According to an article written by Guilbert, the mechanism of privatization in education in Hong Kong can be classified as type-thee privatization, which has characteristics of demand side privatization. In such form, government provides resources to consumers, who are students. Through several stages, PIE has been evolved in current form and type-three can be easily found in other countries as well, settling down as a global trend. Main purpose of the Direct Subsidy Scheme is enhancing quality of private schools in Hong Kong. Yet, it is criticized that there is no clear distinction between aided schools that DSS schools get autonomy and government support at the same time where as aided schools are lack of discretionary power. After almost three decades since the reform, the scheme does not show noticeable improvements, but rather demonstrating predicted side effects. At this point, we need to reconsider the implementation of the policy since the mode of delivery lost its track to the right direction, asking for need of different approach. Along with the importance of globalization, there was a gradual shift in the focus of government policies in a way that can guarantee competitiveness in international society. Privatization, as one of the means to enhance quality of education, became efficient strategy for government to reform the education sector. Such management-based approach is not suitable for education as its characteristics are not similar as that of the commodity.

Lessons learned from Chicago’s privatization of public schools
In the process of the privatization of education in Chicago, there are some noticeable falsehoods created by misleading policies. Among nine points me...

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... several schools. In that case, the oligopoly with low quality of education is predictable since not thorough preparation leads to management shortage. According to many renowned economists, “privatization entails frequent monopolies that are fully as inefficient as the government enterprises they replaced and more corrupt”. Then the damage caused all remains to the students. For market minded people, the loss of market value means withdraw from the market. Hong Kong is wholly developed by the principle of free market. Education however, having different characteristics, cannot be seen same as the commodity since it delivers values to the children. PIE of Hong Kong has been already criticized of overestimating its deficits, yet underestimating revenues. As the PIE is having greater sense of market principle, such defects are arising and will be worsen in the future.

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