Princess Movies Essay

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Are Princesses Helpful or Hurtful to Children? Growing up I watched many princess movies. I loved all the pretty dresses and magic throughout them. These princesses all made it look so easy to be happy. With the wave of a wand or the kiss of a prince, all of your wildest dreams could come true. As I grew older, I realized that having the perfect dress and hair, glamorous castle, and all the happiness in the world would be a lot harder to obtain than the princesses made it seem. The princess culture sets a visually unrealistic standard for life with it’s flawless princesses and princes, extravagant castle lifestyles, and easily attainable happy endings. By giving the princes and princesses of these movies the look or perfection, children can …show more content…

The idea of money seems to cease to exist throughout the plot of most princess movies. As a child I had no idea how money even worked. I thought that if you wanted something bad enough, and maybe with the help of a little magic, you could just have it free of charge. It was such a rude awakening to find out that there is a price tag on most of the things I wanted. Children see a princess like Cinderella go from wearing a dress of rags to an extravagant ball gown in a matter of seconds. In the movie it is all fun and magic, but when a little girl wants a ball gown in real life her parents are going to have to pay a significant amount of money to provide that for her. Similarly, a life in a castle seems to be a typical way of life in princess movies. I can barely afford my small apartment today, but as a kid I thought it would be very easy to just move into a huge mansion or castle. The princes and princesses seem to live out their days without a thought in the world of having to pay a mortgage on their castle, providing a paycheck for all of their servants, or having to budget their extravagant life style. I understand that having a scene of a prince and a princess sitting at a table going through their bills wouldn’t be very enjoyable to watch, but it would bring an element of realistic living into the

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