Prince Henry's Speech Essay

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Prince Henry V: The Speech That Combined The Nation
Prompt : How does Henry V demonstrate his ability to make all his men feel valued and equal---even if they are clearly of varying status?

During a time period where Kings were thought to have been hand chosen by God himself, and could single- handedly make or break a country. One man dared to break the boundaries even insinuating that he himself was on equal standing with his people. Nowadays this may not seem like such a worthy topic seeing as how our entire governmental system is based on the ideal that we are all in fact equal and no one deserves more power than any other. But for the people of Britain it was unthinkable and encouraged everyone from the planter in the farms to the officials of the king's company to come together as one and see one another as meaningful men and women. For Prince Henry V this speech …show more content…

In these few words Prince Henry showed his people their importance to such a plan as taking over the lands of France. Never had a king dared to say that his people were in fact his brothers and why should he as King he was hand picked by God himself to rule over his people and as his loyal subjects they should do his bidding and lay down their lives if it was in meant to please him. This change in mindset would later help Henry in his quest and future endeavours it would also mean a smaller chance of being overthrown which as we know was quite common with the people of Britain or commoners to be exact. Equals was what the people wanted and that was what Prince Henry gave them Equality. After such a show of words Henry went even further in testing the boundaries between him and his

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