Pride and Perception in Pride and Prejudice by Jane Austen

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Pride and Perception in Pride and Prejudice by Jane Austen

Jane Austen's society values impressions, and considers them an important aspect of their culture. A first impression determines the entire perception of that person. In Pride and Prejudice, Elizabeth Bennet learns a hard lesson by basing her perception of other characters completely on their first impressions. "The comedy is concerned with a heroine who must be educated out of a condition of self-deception brought on by the shutters of pride into a condition of perception when that pride had been humbled through the exposure of the errors of judgement into which it has led her" (Watt, 98). Through occurrences within the novel Pride and Prejudice, the perception based on first impressions of Wickham and Darcy in Elizabeth Bennet's eyes alters.

Elizabeth's first impressions of Wickham and Darcy come from social interaction. At a ball in Meryton, Darcy's "character was decided. He was the proudest, most disagreeable man in the world, and everybody hoped that he would never come there again" (Austen 11). This quick opinion of Darcy's character opposes the opinions of Wickham. He appeared "far beyond them all in person, countenance, air and walk." Wickham also seemed, "the happy man towards whom almost every female eye was turned" (Austen 66). Elizabeth makes a quick judgement of both the characters and personalities of Darcy and Wickham. "Elizabeth is completely taken in by the almost transparent duplicity of Mr. Wickham regarding himself and his relations with Mr. Darcy and the Darcy family" (Moler, 25). These drastic perceptions affect her feelings for Darcy. Elizabeth chooses to befriend Wickham, and in turn learns much about Darcy from him. "Eliza...

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...zabeth's life. He gets Lydia to write to Pemberly asking for money. "I am sure Wickham would like a place at court very much, and I do not think we shall have quite money enough to live upon without some help" (Austen 325). At this point Wickham falls from all respect in Elizabeth's eyes, and his alteration of perception concludes.

Elizabeth learns during the course of the novel that first impressions should not

determine a person's complete perception. "Austen engages us both intellectually and emotionally in [Elizabeth and Darcy's] painful progress toward greater self-awareness, toward recognition of their different kinds of pride and prejudice, and thus toward greater perceptiveness regarding those around them" (Moler, 6). Elizabeth sees her fault in the original perception of Darcy and Wickham, and willing recognizes and alters those first perceptions.

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