Pride And Arrogance In Sophocles 'Star Wars'

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In Sophocles’ Oedipus Rex and George Lucas’ Star Wars, the protagonists Oedipus and Anakin Skywalker share the same fatal flaw of hubris. Regarded as the saviors of their respective worlds, their pride and arrogance lead to their suffering and downfall. In Oedipus Rex, Oedipus’ unfailing pride and self-assurance causes him to ostracize his allies and blinds him to the truth, leading to his exile. In Star Wars, Anakin’s pursuit of power leads him to reject the counsel of his closest friends, while drawing him closer to the Dark side that he vowed to destroy. Driven by their sense of infallibility resulting from hubris, both Oedipus and Anakin Skywalker stubbornly pursue knowledge, no matter how damaging it may be. At the beginning of the play, Oedipus summons Teiresias hoping to gain knowledge about the plague. Even though Teiresias refuses to reveal the information, warning that it “will lead [him] to ruin” (Sophocles 324), Oedipus ignores this warning and stubbornly presses on, saying, “You know, and will not tell us? Do you wish to ruin Thebes and to destroy us all?” (329). Later on, Oedipus threatens the Theban shepherd with torture to extract information, saying “If you’ll not speak from pleasure, speak …show more content…

As the king of Thebes, Oedipus enjoys immense power and influence, which contributes to his sense of infallibility. Believing himself to be sinless, he projects his fears onto others; This is shown when he accuses Creon of conspiring against him without any concrete evidence, saying, “How can you find the impudence to show yourself before my house, when you are clearly proven to have sought my life and tried to steal my crown?” (532). This shows how Oedipus allowed his pride and his fear of losing power to cloud his rational thought. In the process, he loses one of his closest friends and a valuable advisor in a time of

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