In the crisis of over rising health care costs in the USA, we are more urgent than ever to search for affordable methods to reduce health risks. To bring down the costs under control, the solution is simple; we should spend more on prevention because it can avoid the expensive treatments later in life. More importantly, we consistently hear about the deaths of cancer victims due to late diagnosis. This fact brings us to realize that just like cancer, many diseases might not be treatable but preventable. Early diagnosis with an appropriate treatment before it becomes complicated can stop or slow the rate of further decline. Preventive medicine contains the capabilities to escape the high risk of later diagnose or treatment, and reduce the health care cost. It is necessary and beneficial not only to the individual but to the society. However, to learn about how preventive medicine can offer a good return on investment, we need to understand how the preventive medicine can reduce health risks. To make this clear, I will address the following topics before I conclude with my discovery and point of view on this matter: What is Preventive Medicine, Levels of Prevention, and The Prevention of Specific Diseases.
What is Preventive Medicine?
The 21th century is a mechanically progressive experimental time. Every year, millions of Americans die from the five leading causes for death: smoking (18%), overweight (15%), disease, breathing issues, and unintentional wounds (Vorwick, 2010.) While death is inevitable, most of the causes for death are preventable with change in behavior and lifestyle. Preventive medicine refers to measures taken to prevent a certain disease, opposed to disease treatment once one gets the disease. While ...
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...yle in a comprehensive health and disease paradigm: skills and knowledge for a predictive, preventive and personalized medicine. The EPMA Journal. Retrieved July 6, 2014, from, Charles & Johnson (2003). The impressive psychology paper. Chicago: Lucerne Publishing
Vorvick (2010, November). Cancer Statistics, 2010 - Jemal - 2010 - CA: A Cancer Journal for Clinicians - Wiley Online Library. Retrieved July 12, 2014, from
Walker, J. (1969). Can expectation of life in western populations be increased by changes in diet and manner of life? Cape Town: South African Journal of Nutrition. pg. 57
World Health Organization. (2014, March). WHO | The top 10 causes of death. Retrieved July 12, 2014, from
2.3 Explain how the health and social care practitioner own values, beliefs and experiences can influence delivery of care.
Global health risks: mortality and burden of disease attributable to selected major risks. (2009) WHO Library Cataloguing-in-Publication Data
Office of Statistics and Programming, National Center for Injury Prevention and Control, CDC using WISQARS™. (2010). 10 Leading Causes of Death by Age Group, United States-2010. Retrieved from
Heart disease kills over 600,000 men and women in the United States every year. That translates to one out of every five deaths are caused by heart disease. Heart disease has several factors, but they all contribute to difficulty in blood flow from the heart. It is most often caused by an unhealthy lifestyle such as a poor diet, little exercise, being overweight and smoking. People die from heart disease several ways including heart attack or stroke.
Some of reason that have been suggested that the that United States mortality rates are higher because of higher risk of iatrogenic drugs, drug toxicity, hospital-acquired infections, and that patients have the “do more” attitude but are not explained all the risks (Moses et al., 2013).
Horgan, John., Johnson, Johnny.. "Trends in Healthcare: Seeking a Better Way to Die." Scientific American 276. (1997):100-105. eLibrary. Web. 28 Jan. 2014.
-World Health Organization. 2013. Chronic disease. Available at: http://www. diseases/en/. Access date 1 December 2013.
Russell, L. B. (2009). Preventing chronic disease: an important investment, but don’t count on cost savings. Health Affairs, 28(1), p. 42-45.
Health literacy plays an important role in individuals’ decision-making. The scope of health literacy does not limit to traditional medical perspective. In fact, it has extended from the basic understanding of diseases and medications to all aspects that affect health. As one of the key social determinants, health literacy has huge impact on health and well-being. Its influence is associated with disease prevention, healthy lifestyle promotion, policy making, etc. This essay will first discuss the concept of health literacy and the consequences that link to it, and then give a strategy—designing user-centred messages in education, to improve health literacy,
What are the roles of a public health informatician in building and enhancing the public health infrastructure
The importance of a healthy community is not only an issue that affects the individual health of member of the community but is also something affects the health of the overall economic health of the community. Health education helps keep people in check with their personal health, and good personal health correlates with more happiness. Happiness is life correlates with more satisfaction with what an individual 's does on the daily. If an individual is more happy with their daily life then it is very possible that they are in some way happy with their chosen job or occupation. When companies have a happier workforce there is a higher chance of increased productivity, which in turn creates higher chances for an increased profit in the company.
I have always been intrigued by the field of science and that is the reason I pursued the field of Biochemistry for my undergraduate studies. How The Human body works and the different determinants that can affect one's health or a community as a whole have always been captivating to me. I wanted to emerge in a profession that is beneficial for me, my community, and the world I live in. I came to realize through various science courses and health care experiences that a career in health care was the best path for me to outreach my community and the world.
There are numerous public health problems that can be addressed in my Southside of Chicago community. Among the several public health problems facing my Southside of Chicago community there are two that are more urgent. Health education or one might say lack thereof is a problem that needs to be addressed. My community is plagued with many of the residents suffering from high blood pressure, diabetes, and the killer virus known as HIV. In most cases these conditions can be prevented with healthier lifestyles and access to nutritious organic foods. In addition, environmental health is another urgent problem my community is facing. Access to clean, safe water and air is supposed to be a fundamental human right aimed at a healthy environment. Yet, my community consists a waste contaminated beach, numerous deteriorated building that are still occupied, and a countless number of restaurant and stores supplying our residents with services that are endangering their health.
Personal health is extremely important to everyone around the world. But it is especially important to citizens of the United States of America. Being one of the leading countries in Health technology and also in food and beverage leaves most people choosing between living a healthy lifestyle and indulging in the varieties of food we offer. Across the country, many people are living with pre-existing conditions, living in food deserts, living below the poverty line and a long list of other factors that either hinders them from eating healthy or force them to eat healthily. When trying to live a healthy lifestyle in this country not only does the promotion of prevention matter, but also the promotion of Career and job opportunities matter just as much. In the United States, Money equals Power and money also equal the opportunity to create and live a healthier lifestyle.