Prevention and Pain Management for Burn Wounds

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Throughout the world there are approximately 300,000 deaths caused by burns with about 4,000 of those deaths occurring in the United States. These numbers indicate that burn injuries are ranked as the 3rd leading cause of accidental deaths in the United States (Burn Injury Recovery Center, 2013). As a nurse, it is likely that you will care for a patient with burns at some point in your career. When caring for these patients it is important to create a plan of care that prevents infection and minimizes pain.

Because the skin is the bodies’ first line of defense against infection burn wounds create a portal of entry for bacteria to colonize and multiply. Causes of burn wound infection are related to the impaired tissue integrity and thrombosis of the subcutaneous blood vessels. This avascular wound bed creates a medium that supports the growth of bacteria. The burn wound will be colonized with organisms until the wound heals therefor systemic antimicrobials are not given. Routine administration may even promote emergence of resistant organisms. Instead topical antibiotics and antimicrobials are used (Weber, 2013). All patients are given Tetanus toxoid, 0.5mL intramuscularly to protect them from the growth of Clostridium tetani. The healthcare team must take precautions when providing wound care to prevent cross-contamination.

Pain caused by burns is a result of direct tissue damage and the inflammatory response that follows. This pain can cause patients considerable suffering and distress. Proper pain management can reduce anxiety in the patient, decrease anticipatory pain and promote patient participation in daily care regimen (Fletcher, Managing wound pain during application and removal of dressings, 2010).



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Weber, J. (2013). Infection Prevention in Burn Patients. Retrieved from World Burn:

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