Pressure Groups and the Media and Government

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This essay explores pressure groups and their role in democracy and society. It also discusses how pressure groups use the media as a communication strategy to influence.


Pressure groups are known to be small and extremely diverse formed on the basis of interest and activities, their functions give them a high public profile where minds are influenced and driven to make change. “A Pressure group is an organisation which seeks to influence the details of a comparatively small range of public policies and which is not a function of a recognised political party” (Baggott, 1995: p.2). An aim of pressure groups is to generate support which can influence political agendas; this can directly persuade the government to consider taking action. In this essay I will concentrate upon exploring on various issues on pressure groups, discussing the relationship between the groups, their use of the media and their status as “insiders” and “outsiders” in the political process. Pressure groups have two main types of groups the insiders and outsiders, which each promote a common cause with a different relationship with the media and political party making one as an unheard voice in the public sphere. To the public Pressure groups is another form where the public can engage in politics, participating directly in the political process. I will also intricate in this essay the growths of pressure groups due to the use of the media and their political engagement. The size of a group is a basic indicator of how much public support they get especially those that posse’s open membership, they mobilise through demonstrations, protest involving some non members through organised events. The different types of well known pressure grou...

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... and the communication of environmental affairs', Media,

Culture and Society (1991) Vol. 13, Issue 4, pp. 459-476

Bennie, L.G. (1998) „Brent Spar, Atlantic Oil and Greenpeace‟, Parliamentary Affairs, 51(3): 397-410.

Grant, W. (2004) „Pressure Politics: The Changing World of Pressure Groups‟, Parliamentary Affairs, 57(2): 408-419

Smith, P. (1999) „Political Communication in the UK: A Study of Pressure Group Behaviour‟, Politics, 19(1): 21-27

Waltz, M. (2005) Alternative and Activist Media, Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press

Baggott, R. (1995) Pressure Groups Today, Manchester: Manchester University Press

Wright, A. (2000) The British Political Process: An Introduction. Pp. 138-144

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