Prescription Drug Addiction Research Paper

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In the years of 2007 to 20112 the U.S. Centers for Disease Control conducted a survey on prescription drug usage. They reported that 49% of the people in the U.S. had taken at least one prescription drug in the past months, and around 22% had taken more than one prescription drug in the same time period. This percentage of people was significantly larger than the same research data founded over a decade earlier. Prescription were made for many important medicinal reasons that span in severity like: prevention and care for chronic diseases to painkillers for chronic/temporary pain. Because the use of drugs has become so widespread and easily accessible, the dangers of taking drugs that can adverse effects other than the listed side effects has increased exponentially. These adverse effects largely have to do with the netics of the person consuming the drug. Every human being has genome that is composed of anywhere from 20,000 to 25,000 different …show more content…

In a gene’s exon if even the simplest of things goes wrong such as a single DNA nucleotide mutating, like an guanine tuning into a thymine, can cause wrong amino acid synthesis resulting in a dysfunctional protein. Amino acids are contrasting in that they possess different sizes, shapes, and charges. These characteristics are the leading factors in how the interact throughout themselves and with other neighboring molecules. Molecules that are positively and negatively charged attract and interact with each other which is also a characteristic in being hydrophilic. Other molecules that are nonpolar choose not to react with other molecules including water molecules making them hydrophobic. These differences may seem miniscule yet they can cause drastic consequences such as reactions to prescription

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