Discuss the factors that contribute to prejudice and discrimination and identify some techniques for reducing the development of prejudice and discrimination.
• In order to discuss the factors that contribute to prejudice and discrimination, we need to discuss what are the differences between two. Prejudice is when an individual holds an unsupported and often negative stereotyped attitude about a member of a particular social group. On the other hand discrimination is when a prejudicial attitudes cause members of a particular social group to be treated differently than others in situations that call for equal treatment. What makes people behave this way? It seems that many prejudices are passed along from parents to children in a form called
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Media also perpetuate prejudice, which includes televisions, advertisement, social networks, and movies. These types of media spread demeaning images and stereotypes about assorted groups, such as ethnic minorities, women, gays, lesbians, the disabled, and the elderly. Another factor that contributes to prejudice and discrimination is Conformity. Basically engaging in discriminatory behavior because others in your group are doing so, usually for approval or to be like others; Ethnocentrism, or the tendency to value one’s cultural norms and values over others. Another contributor is “Us versus them”. This is the tendency to divide people into those who are part of your in-group and those in the out-group. One more factor that contributes to prejudice and discrimination is Institutional Racism. What would be a technique in order to reduce the development of prejudice and discrimination? First would be getting to know and socialize with members that are of the “out-group”. Instead of noticing differences they can notice their similarities within each other, this is called “contact hypothesis”. Another way to reduce the two would be Legal enforcement on anti-discrimination laws. Lastly would be …show more content…
It can be difficult to distinguish the two mainly because they are so often mentioned in the same context. Prejudice is an attitude; it’s an attitude toward people from another group and in line with social psychology. An individual that is prejudiced usually don’t act on their attitude. As a result, an individual can be prejudiced towards a certain type of specfic group but not discriminate against them. Discrimination on the other hand is the actions, which are mainly considered negative, towards a group of people, especially on the basis of social class or sex. Discrimination can be controlled and in some cases eliminated however the prejudicial attitude that is responsible for the discrimination cannot be so easily controlled or eliminated. Their are factors that contribute to the two and are a key to understanding how to deal with such causes. There are about four main factors that contribute to prejudice and discrimination and they are Socialization, Conformity, Us versus Them, and Institutional racism. Other factors that I obtain from an outside source were “Socialization, Conforming behaviors, Economic benefits, Authoritarian personality, Ethnocentrism, Group
Prejudice is an issue that cannot be easily avoided in today's society. It has and always will have a huge impact on the discrimination that some people face based on religion, appearance, background, mental/physical disabilities and etc.
Prejudice is an unfavorable opinion or feeling, formed beforehand (e.g., before even meeting a person) based on non-personal characteristics (e.g., skin color, religious, gender). One form of prejudice is racism. Racism is negative attitudes and values held by people about other people based on their race. It is this attitude which causes one to discriminate against another. Discrimination is treating people unfavorably on the basis of race, color or sex. Prejudice and discrimination were prevalent in the 1950s and 1960s. This era was a time of hatred, a time of violence, a time when black people were colonized by the white colonizer, and it was a time of white-on-black racial violence. Because of this hatred, the whites discriminated against the blacks.
“The psychological approach to prejudice is to examine individual behavior.” (pg. 505) the author reveals the argument he is trying to make through the article by using the psychology of prejudices to research individual behavior and then explains how to reach this conclusion. “We can understand more about prejudice among individuals by focusing on four areas of study…” (pg. 505) the author organizes the article in this fashion to first reveal the point the author wants to express to the reader then illustrate step by step how he will persuade the reader into believing the author. Throughout the article the author separates his argument into four sections the levels of prejudice, self-justification, personality, and frustration. Each category helps the author dive the reader in depth of how the psychology of prejudices works. The author then continues onto his article of describing and defining each area of study “cognitive level of prejudice encompasses a person’s beliefs and of a group as threatening or non-threatening etc., emotional level of prejudice encompasses the feeling that a minority group arouses in an individual…action-orientation level of prejudice is the positive or negative predisposition to engage in discriminatory behavior.” (pg.
Prejudice is a dreadful mindset that people can perceive from another person by their first look. As long as human race roams the Earth, prejudge mental will never cease. However long that we as people stay here on Earth is how long prejudice will last. We frustratingly try to obliterate prejudice, but it always upheaval back with maximum force. People take into consideration peoples race and ethnicity, and if it is diverse from theirs, then that person is probably prejudice towards them in any other ways, shape, or form. Prejudice has been with Mankind since the beginning of the human revolution. The simplest example of prejudice is when it comes to black and white revolution. Since colored human race were slaves in the beginning of American
Some people say prejudice is part of human nature. Others think we learn it from our elders. Either one could be true, as there are various controversial beliefs about why prejudice exists in the world. One interesting theory is that prejudice is an emotional reaction that is triggered in our brain whenever we encounter unknown people, who have different physical characteristics, different personalities, and/or different beliefs. In fact, these unfamiliar people scare us, and we start treating them differently to reassure ourselves that they cannot possibly matter to us. Another possible reason for prejudice could be negative education about others, either direct or indirect. An example of the direct type would be that you are deliberately taught to avoid certain people who are discriminate...
The word prejudice is derived from the Latin word " praejudicium" and refers to prejudging without any factual evidence. Being prejudiced usually means having preconceived beliefs about groups of people or cultural practices. Discrimination is the "differential and unequal treatment of other groups of people, usually along racial, religious or ethnic lines." The distinction is that prejudice then refers to people's attitudes and beliefs, and discrimination to their overt behavior directed at another group. (Parrillo 76)
Many people know what prejudice and discrimination are, but some of us do not. Prejudice is known as the attitude which includes behavioral, cognitive and affective. This attitude is incorrect and is not justified because it usually deals with negative thoughts of a person. These thoughts can be based on any reasons, for example, it could be because of their social class, race, gender, sexuality, or anything else. Discriminitation on the other hand, is very similar, but involves taking action because of those thoughts. There have been many different types of discrimination, but the main one's are racial, age, and gender discrimination.
Prejudice is the attitude of conveying negative stereotypes to a particular group, usually known as the out-groups. Usually the stereotypes are generalizations based on superficial opinions, so they have an invalid connotation behind it. Stereotypes in some cases evoke prejudice mindsets, leading to discriminate a certain ethnic group, age group, religion, seuxal orienntation, or body size. Stereotypes are usually socially learned from one’s environment and latched onto the mind of a young child. This could possibly later influence their opinion about something they are not fully educated on. One cannot control what they are taught, but one can control what they do with that information. They can either not believe a word of it or take it into
Prejudice against specific groups----> you are able to cope with some other groups,but you disapprove a special group of their religion-->that's why you have a prejudice against this particular group. But this kind of prejudice does not express that your religion is the best and that all other religions are worse than your own one. You are only biased against this particular religion. ----> ; prejudice against all other groups is called ethnocentricity Prejudice and discrimination Discrimination: -Speaking of discrimination against a special group we mean the combination of prejudice with action - In this sense the word "discriminating" means that we are treating a group in a negative way.
While prejudice and discrimination are closely related, the terms are not interchangeable. Prejudice is a negative attitude, feelings, thoughts or beliefs toward an entire category of people. There are two important factors that are present in the definition of prejudice, and they are attitude and entire category (Schaefer 35).
From the reading I learned prejudice is when a person attaches negative emotion to a certain group of people that is not based on facts. Prejudice has two levels cognitive or affective where the cognitive is thinking and feeling prejudice while affecting is actually doing prejudice actions. Discrimination is also discussed in chapter one. Discrimination is unequal behavior or treatment of a person based on them being a member of a group. An example of discrimination would be not getting selected for a job because you are African
Prejudice can be caused because of various reasons. Religion, ethnic race and social status are examples of causes of prejudice. Sometimes prejudice is caused by how we are raised. Many times parents pass on prejudice beliefs to their children. A lot people raised in the southern part of the country are prejudice against blacks. In the early to mid 1960’s, prejudice was alive and well in the south. Blacks had their own bathrooms and were forced to ride in the back of city busses. It’s hard to believe that was doing on only 40 years ago. A lot of Middle Eastern countries are very prejudice against women.
Unfortunately due to our past history, discrimination had been among us from since decades. Discrimination and prejudice would probably be among us until the end of the world. Prejudice and discrimination is an action that treats people unfairly because of their membership in a particular social group, class, or category to which that person or thing belongs to rather on that individual. It is an unfair treatment to a person, racial group, and minority. It is an action based on prejudice.
Four main things that play into prejudice are the different levels of prejudice, self-justification, personality, and one’s frustration. There are different severities to each prejudice; some take it more seriously than others. Maybe it is a form of feeling good for some, feeling better than those around you. Having a prejudice is not the best way to go about handling a tough situation, but many have them. Personal experiences, jealousy, and hatred are just a few of the attributes that lye behind prejudices. Some may have been learned, and some may be just out of pure ignorance. No one was born to have negative feelings towards a group of “different” individuals. Yes, we are human and no one is perfect, but if prejudice were an innate behavior, all people of the same kind would feel the same way towards the other “excommunicated” individuals. Different people have been raised with different belief systems and cultural practices. If one was raised their whole life being told that people of this specific group were bad, they would obviously have the same feelings towards them. Whether it is back in the 1800s or now, people still have prejudices against those of other sexes, race and ethnicity, and religions. All in all, many prejudices stem from others’ pride, stubbornness, fear, hatred, or maybe even their own
Prejudice can be defined as the judgement of a group or an individual based mainly on group association. Prejudice is not necessarily negative. Ethnocentrism is an example of positive prejudice towards one’s in-group. Discrimination can be defined as the negative or positive behaviours towards individuals based on their group association. Discrimination may be obvious or subtle, either way both can be damaging. Although discrimination and prejudice often go hand in hand, there is a difference between the two. Prejudice is just the negative or positive view of others, whereas discrimination is putting prejudice into action. An example of prejudice would be that of ordinary racist remarks whilst an example of discrimination would be the execution of the caste system in India. This question assumes that prejudice is common in this world, and that this problem needs to be solved.