Therapeutic Process Goals Precious needs long-term individual counseling and psychotherapy with the main goal of helping her develop true self and whole self. Precious’ mother did not provide a healthy relationship, therefore she relied on her father to provide her sense of self. As a result, she is searching for her sense of self in her relationships with men. In addition, she idealizes men because her father was more consistent than her mother, and it was him who, paradoxically, gave her the best thing in her life – her son Abdul. The goal of the treatment is to boost Precious’ self-esteem, to change her perception of her racial status, to change the way she idealizes men, and to decrease the negative effect of HIV stigma by encouraging …show more content…
In case of Precious, corrective emotional experience would include helping her to express her negative feelings during therapy. In order to help her repair her unmet developmental needs and improve her sense of self and others, she will need optimal responsiveness, mirroring, empathetic attunement, and holding environment – especially safe haven where she can freely express her feelings. She will also need good enough caregiver – a person she can trust. After her core conflicts: false self and idealization of men are addressed, I can work with her on developing her true self. I would provide twinship relationship to Precious by emphasizing that in the collaborative therapeutic process we will reach our goal of helping her to solve her core conflicts. Positive and growth-fostering relationship will also promote her individual …show more content…
I will need to continually respond to her feelings, so she no longer will have to be alone with shame, anxiety, anger, guilt, or other form of distress and will gain the ability to connect meaningfully with another person and develop relationships characterized by trust. The study has also shown that “childhood sexual abuse was related to interpersonal conflicts indirectly through the emotion of shame” (Kim, Talbot, & Cicchetti, 2009, p. 362). Shame was described as “a highly aversive, debilitating affective experience associated with a profound negative evaluation of the self” (Kim, Talbot, & Cicchetti, 2009, p.
During Erikson’s first developmental stage, Trust versus Mistrust, the child learns whether or not they can trust the world in which they live. As the infant begins to explore their environment they learn what a safe environment is, and this is largely due to the attachment formed with their parent or caregiver (Ashford & LeCroy, 2013, p. 245). Precious reports she did not begin to be physically, emotionally, and sexually abused by her parents until the age of three, so she may have developed some level of trust with her parents during this first developmental stage. However, with Erikson’s second stage of Autonomy versus Shame and Doubt, Precious likely began having problems resolving the conflicts presented in Erikson’s theory of development. This stage is typically entered into at the age of 18 months and lasts until around the age of three years. During this stage, primary tasks involve developing a greater sense of self control and independence (Ashford and LeCroy, 2013, p. 304). This is the age when Precious began being abused by her parents, and was therefore likely not able to successfully resolve her tasks. For instance, Precious was not allowed to take control of her body and was forced into acts involuntarily. Her mother also controlled what Precious ate, at times limiting the amount of food available to her and at other times forcing her to
There are three things she suggests about being shame resilient first she says, “we all have it” second “we’re all afraid to talk about shame” and third “the less we talk about shame, the more control it has over our lives” (Brown 38). It helps that everyone has feelings of shame and that it is not just one person alone that feels these things. Brown clarifies the difference between shame and guilt shame is the feeling that “I am bad” while guilt is the feeling that “I have done something horrible” (41). I contemplate possibly that shame is like embarrassment it is similar to the thoughts one might have after an event or conversation with someone where they feel as if something wrong was said or
The client stated that she came to therapy because she has been feeling really lonely and feeling as though that she is not enough since the death of her father. After the death of her father, her mother did not pay her any attention; she understood that her mother was grieving, especially when her grandfather passed a year later. I stated that the frequent death that surrounded her mother, seem to have caused her mother to distance herself from her. She responded “yes, and it even gotten worse when my mom started to date and eventually marry my stepfather”. She mentioned that once her little sister was born, she became jealous and envious. I emphasized with her by stating that she must have felt as though her little sister was going to take the attention that she sought from her mother. After confirming that her mother paid more attention to her sister and stepfather, she mentioned that during this time she began to cut herself in places that no one would notice. The pain did not take the feeling away, but she wanted to know that if she could still feel pain after the thought of losing everything. However, the only person who paid her any attention during this time, was her grandmother. Her grandmother showed her the love that her mother nor “father figure” never showed her. I stated, “the love that your grandmother showed was not the love you were
Stigma is a devastating feeling at the individual level because it leads to feelings of shame, guilt, and isolation. Such negative attitudes is caused by omissions or actions of others which is causing even deeper suffering and enhance of the stigmatized group advocating the fact that they are denying certain services such as the right to healthcare or education. Such actions constitute discrimination and leads toward human rights abuses. Discrimination occurs when a particular person because of the actual or perceived membership of a particular group puts in an unequal and disadvantaged position compared to others. Because the stigma is almost always accompanied by discrimination, people with HIV/AIDS are disabled in the re...
The stigmatization and discrimination that goes hand and hand with a positive diagnosis of HIV/AIDS is overwhelming. defines discrimination as the “treatment or consideration based on class or category rather than individual merit; partiality or prejudice.” In essence, discrimination is about actions and stigma relates to beliefs and attitudes. Both however are built up on negative views of a person just because they are apart of a specific group. All over the world, there are well-documented cases of people living with HIV that are being denied the right to health- care, work, education, and freedom of movement, among others. (UNAIDS 2005) This stigma and discrimination exist globally, although it appears differently...
. “Sexual abuse experiences that are perpetrated by family members or other trusted persons obviously involve more potential for betrayal than those involving strangers” (Browne & Finkelhor, 1985, Pg. 3). The third concept was powerlessness, which can also be disempowerment. The last one is stigmatization, which is the negative connotation such as guilt and shame that the child incorporated into their self-image. Promiscuity and compulsive sexual behaviors are some of the characteristics of CSA victims then they become adolescents or adults. As an adult, the victim may start showing signs of impaired judgment about trustworthiness of other people or become desperate to find a redeeming relationship (Browne & Finkelhor, 1985). This research
Many researchers link behavioral problems in adulthood to childhood abuse. One researcher says that "An adult who was sexually abused as a child has a greater chance of becoming violent, suicidal, and abusive to their children than an adult who was not abused sexually as a child" (Kliest 155). These characteristics could hinder a victim from living a normal lifestyle and having a family. Kliest also states, "Adults who were abused sexually as children will have a greater chance than those who were not of experiencing sexual dysfunction, such as flashbacks, difficulty in arousal, and phobic reactions to sexual intimacy" (156). Many researchers agree that childhood sexual abuse has a negative effect on an adult's personal relationships. Another researcher states, "A history of childhood sexual abuse (CSA) appears to have an adverse impact on the quality of adult intimate relationships, and they report avoiding the development of close adult relationships because of their fear of rejection" (Whiffen 1103).
Peter Vanable, a professor and chair of psychology at Syracuse University, conducted extensive research on the behavioral aspects of HIV and coping. He analyzed, for example, how HIV stigma affects mental health and medication adherence. “A significant subset of men and women who are HIV positive experience social rejection from family, from loved-ones [and] from partners, and those experiences of discrimination and rejection can really play out in difficult ways,” Vanable says. The way people react to news of an HIV diagnosis, he continues, can shape a patient 's long-term psychological response. “People 's experiences with social rejection and people’s internalized feelings of self-rejection tend to go hand-in-hand,” Vanable says.
“Numerous studies have demonstrated that experiencing child abuse can lead to a range of internalizing and externalizing behavior problems” (Moylan, 2010). Precious’s internalization of depression and emotional numbing are all factors that contribute to her self-concept. Study shows that “childhood sexual abuse has been correlated with higher levels of depression, guilt, shame, self-blame, eating disorders, somatic concerns, anxiety, dissociative patterns, repression, denial, sexual problems, and relationship problems” (Hall, 2011). The implications of sexual abuse are often detrimental to the mental state of an adolescent. Psychiatric evaluations show that Precious suffers from symptoms of PTSD and Major Depression
In this essay I am going to show my understanding of a child's early emotional development based on the psychoanalytical view of child development. I will show how emotional skills gained in the early years can be of a significant relevance to later life. I will show my understanding by illustrating it with the clinical material. Although I am focusing on the psychoanalytical approach to child development I believe that it is beneficial to present also some general background knowledge of child development.
I believe that my relationship with the child must be warm and supportive (Axline, 2013: 23-35). Whilst my sessions are taking place, the girl must feel safe in order to ensure progress. If she feels comfortable in her surroundings she will be more willing to share he thoughts and opinions with me. It is very important for me that she unconditionally accepts me and that I unconditionally accept her (Axline, 2013: 23-35). This is where I must gain her trust. The first session consisted of an assessment, the second session is where I engage in play therapy. Here I need to build a consistent relationship with her using toys and verbal communication. I will also allow her to freely express her emotions during the sessions (Axline, 2013: 23-35). Whilst she’s playing with the sand and figures, I will encourage any emotions (as long as it stays safe). For me to be able to help her I need to assess her different emotions surrounding different situations.
According to Freud, the development of the mature love character begins as soon as the child has adequately developed a sense of "the otherness" of its surrounds to pick out its mother as the objective of its affection. At first this completely inherent and insentient affection begins as the normal result of the child's faith upon its mother for food, affection and comfort. From the mother the child first be taught how to express warmth, and the motherly caresses and the friendly feeling which the child get from its mother by the easy analogies to care for when the child feels a attentive passion for another individual of the contrary sex. Its mother, in a very genuine sense of the world, is its first adore.
Rape is a crime of sexual violence that can cause “long-term emotional devastation” in a victim although some victims may respond to it differently (Williams, 16). Victims of this act can also face physical injuries: “the National Women's Study, funded by the National Institute of Drug Abuse, found that more than 70% of rape victims did not report any physical injuries as a result of their assault; only 4% sustain serious injuries that require hospitalization” (Frey). But, the most disturbing impact that society puts upon women after being raped is shame making the victim feel blamed. Usually the victim may feel less open and more “fearful” and “humiliated” towards society, making them not come forward and report the crime.
From the moment scientists identified HIV and AIDS, social responses of fear, denial, stigma and discrimination have accompanied the epidemic. Discrimination has spread rapidly, fuelling anxiety and prejudice against the groups most affected, as well as those living with HIV or AIDS. It goes without saying that HIV and AIDS are as much about social phenomena as they are about biological and medical concerns. Across the world the global epidemic of HIV/AIDS has shown itself capable of triggering responses of compassion, solidarity and support, bringing out the best in people, their families and communities. But the disease is also associated with stigma, repression and discrimination, as individuals affected (or believed to be affected) by HIV have been rejected by their families, their loved ones and their communities. This rejection holds as true in the rich countries of the north as it does in the poorer countries of the south.
It is most important to understand that children and teens of all racial, religious, ethnic, gender and age groups, at all socio-economic levels are sexually abused. Although there are risk factors that may increase the possibility of sexual abuse, sex abuse can be found in all types of families, communities, and cultures (The Scope of, 2016). Childhood sexual abuse is an important issue to address because the impact of sexual does not end when the abuse ends. Childhood trauma follows into adulthood and can have long-range effects. “Survivors of sexual abuse are at significantly greater risks for severe and chronic mental health issues, including alcoholism, depression, anxiety, PTSD and high risk behaviors” (The Scope Of, 2016). Victims may experience traumatic sexualization, or the shaping of their sexuality in “developmentally inappropriate” and “interpersonally dysfunctional” ways (Effects of Child, 2012). “A child who is the victim of prolonged sexual abuse usually develops low self-esteem, a feeling of worthlessness and an abnormal or distorted view of sex. The child may become withdrawn and mistrustful of adults, and can become suicidal” (Effects of Child, 2012). Overall, the effects and impact of childhood sexual abuse are long lasting and do not diminish when the abuse ends, their childhood trauma follows them into