Power In Lord Of The Flies

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There are so many things that can make an individual powerful, money, a title but, in the William Golding novel Lord of the Flies it is so much more than that. None of the boys start off with anything that can give them an edge, except for their looks and control over others fear or lack of. While appearance can immediately give you the upper hand I am a lot more scared of those who know me best; they can easily use everything I trusted them with against me. The part that amazes me the most is that these boys didn't get the choice to trust each other, they had no choice. I think these are two of the most important things to consider when determining your thought on power and how one may get it. An individual does not become powerful just …show more content…

When you give someone control over your mind you give them power over your thoughts and actions, Jack found out what the boy’s feared: the beast, and used it to create his tribe. He used weapons to prove to the group he was masculine and very serious about killing a pig by stabbing a tree. (page 33) He needed to reassure himself that he was as ‘manly’ as he thought he was; while scaring the other boys into believing him he got to show off his brute strength and force, I think that’s Jack’s fear, he knew that he needed to squash anyones ideas because, he is scared of anyone doubting him. Another example of how Jack used fear to control a character was when he used Piggy’s fear of Jack himself to get him to stop talking and when Piggy refuses to give in, Jack takes physical action. (page 71) “‘You didn't ought to have let that fire out. You said you’d keep the fire going-’ This from Piggy, and wails of agreement from some hunters drove Jack to violence. The bolting look came into his blue eyes. He took a step and able to at last hit someone, stuck his fist into Piggy’s stomach.” What really got to Jack was the fact that Piggy wasn’t scared of him in the way the others were. He could bend the other to his beck and call but, ig Piggy didn't want to do something that Jack told him, he would pathetically stand up for himself. He

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