Power And Class In Ayn Rand's A Tale Of Two Cities

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In present-day society and in pieces of literature, Labeling and categorization are seen in many ways. Some of the ways including how people dress, act, respond, mostly small unimportant things. The higher the power, the higher the class and the easier to label others. Different types of literature proving how power and class allow for labeling to be vast among characters. Anthem by Ayn Rand, 1984 by George Orwell, A Tale of Two Cities by Charles Dickens and Romeo and Juliet by William Shakespeare are four main books that have labeling linked together. Anthem by Ayn Rand has categorization since Equality 7-2521 is considered weird and not 'normal' even though no one in Anthem is really 'normal'. Equality 7-2521 being quicker, faster, more …show more content…

A Tale of Two Cities dealing with the levels of upper class and lower class. The upper class being the rich citizens while the lower class being the townspeople, the differences not being only money wise but also with power. The richer people were the higher the power they had, but with that came the overuse of power. In today's world, class levels are still being categorized, not as bad as A Tale of Two Cities but still is seen through out day to day problems. Class levels affecting people today since people with higher class are treated differently compared to lower class people even though they are the same but with less or more money. The king in A Tale of Two Cities was a terrible ruler, rubbing it in his own peopleś faces that he is rich, he is powerful, that he had a better life than they ever would have. ¨Yes. It took four men, all four ablaze with gorgeous decoration, and the Chief of them unable to exist with fewer than two gold watches in his pocket, emulative of the noble and chaste fashion set by Monseigneur, to conduct the happy chocolate to Monseigneur's lips.” Proves the point of how Monseigneur wouldn’t consider his people’s concerns or needs, showing off his expensive objects while they are starving and have nothing compared to his. Labeling showing in this story how level of class causes many differences and in the end …show more content…

Winston who was apart of a group considered 'The outer party' in result of them not agreeing with Big Brother, the society's dictator and his actions. Big Brother being in control and having power has rules and laws that Winston didn't agree with, such as having cameras and microphones to look what the citizens are doing. Winston and others obviously are considered powerless compared to the amount of power and control that the government has. Romeo and Juliet written by William Shakespeare isn’t just a typical love story that is the foundation of new modern updated versions. Even though the label of social class not being the first thing to be noticed in Romeo and Juliet, it still is being used by William Shakespeare. A character that really doesn’t have an important role is actually a big part of the category of social Class. “can never find what names the writing person hath here writ. I must to the learned. In good time” would be the quote that shows how the servant does not know how to read or write, considering that he had to ask Romeo to read his letter to invite guests to the Capulet Dinner. Social Class affecting who is able to get education and who doesn’t in Romeo and Juliet and also connecting to how some people are not able to receive education because of their class

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