Poverty Education Proposal

578 Words2 Pages

Frank Stallworth IV
Ms. Love
6th hr

Proposal for Poverty Life Effects Education

Schools and communities being low on income or money which effect the condition of the schools and it’s surroundings which effect the learning of the school by getting bad teachers that hurt students education they need.

Situation: Many different situations on how life creates poverty just based off how the life style people chooses only because they have trouble with money and bad choices to lose out on advantages with money for education for parents in college and students that most likely need
Supplies, healthy foods, etc. to maintain focus in school. Also some schools may serve free breakfast and lunch but money for schools has to pay for that so not just the students and parents need money but the schools also need money to even offer good education not just any education. Poverty deals with mostly money issues and options for good jobs. …show more content…

Parents need jobs with good wages, hours, and conditions to be to provide and not to stress over hard times which can spread to students that can understand the issues and effect their learning at school. Not only home problems can effect the way the students perform at school. Many things at school can effect their learning at school also such as bad food the school provide, something thats healthy and hot can help the student thinking process which breakfast is the most important meal of the day. Teachers being good teachers and students learning from them can be a huge jump next to a good meal for the children, mostly because students learn their education from teachers and with good teachers there are good performing students. So that lead to good education which many people as students need to be successful in the

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