Postsecondary Argumentative Essay

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Throughout Minnesota, there is a variety of options for high school students to earn college credit while still in high school. One of the most prominent methods is Postsecondary Enrollment Options or PSEO. The Minnesota Department of Education describes that “with traditional PSEO, these courses are generally offered at the postsecondary institution; some courses are offered online.” Dual enrollment, also known as concurrent enrollment, varies from PSEO in that “concurrent enrollment students stay at the high school instead of leaving to attend classes at a university,” states the Minnesota Department of Education. Earning college credit in high school presents many challenges and benefits for students; consequently, this shapes them, their …show more content…

In "Is Faster Always Better," Kelly Mangan shows that dual enrollment and PSEO opportunities are not easily understandable, quoting Joel Vargas, "The systems are disjointed, and these students have a particularly hard time navigating them." Credits may not always transfer between colleges or even to high school transcripts. Even if credits transfer easily, poor class grades or failures not only appear on the high school transcript but the college one as well. In addition, students note difficulties with instructors and fellow students. Alicia, a now-graduated participant, received negative reactions from her fellow students which caused her to withdraw from her classes at the college. Although the struggles of being a high school student striving for a high school degree are many, people also wonder about the effect the new-found freedom of college life affects them. Cecilia admitted that "I didn't take it seriously...And I had so much more freedom." In addition, the students had not all developed the study skills needed to enter college at a higher level, causing some, as in the case of James Hinkson, to drop out of college later on. "We have to do remedial work because they have mastered the basics," Mangan recalls from Ms.

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