The posttraumatic growth is extensively studied during recent years in view of psychology's shift from interpreting an individual in terms of mental illness to more positive approaches focused on individuals' well being (Sęk & Pasikowski, 2001). Trauma, although causing severe distress, unpleasant emotions or pain, is considered also as an event triggering a sequence of processes which, desirably, lead to the personal development and enhanced well-being. There are several factors which play important role in the process of psychological recovery from experienced trauma. Research suggests that hope is an important factor marking positive direction of the consecutive changes taking place during the process of acknowledging the occurrence of traumatic event, assigning meaning to it and internalizing its features into individual's status quo. It is allegedly a good predictor of post-traumatic growth, as a direct consequence of these changes. Researchers define post-traumatic growth as an ongoing and dynamic process, not as a point of dramatic change, which …show more content…
These may include terminal illness (Gum & Snyder, 2002), realistic life threat (Błaszczak, 2004) or even an indirect traumatic exposure (Manning-Jones, Terte & Stephens, 2015). [MORE] The common thread for these events will be an undeniable impact they have on an individuals thinking and behaviour. However, despite the negative affective tone of the event itself, its meaning for an individual and difficulties faced during the process of adaptation to the new situation, post-traumatic growth in a long term provides for enhanced life satisfaction (cit. X), happiness (cit. X) and general well-being (cit.
Aldwin, C. M., Levenson, M. R., & Spiro, A. ( 1994). Vulnerability and resilience to combat exposure: Can stress have lifelong effectsPsychology and Aging, 9, 34– 44.
Hunt, N.C. and McHale, S. (2010) Understanding Post Traumatic Stress. London: Sheldon Press, pp. 13-25.
Schiraldi, G. R. (2009). The post-traumatic stress disorder sourcebook: A guide to healing, recovery, and growth. New York, NY: McGraw-Hill.
For all teens, the transition into adulthood is generally seen as a challenging and scary process. For teens diagnosed with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) as well as their caregivers, this transition is often more complicated. The period of transition for individuals with ASD into adulthood is intensely more challenging due to their “unique characteristics, the lack of services that address the special needs of such individuals in adulthood, and the expectations of society for a typical path to adulthood in the face of atypical problems” (Geller and Greenberg, 2009, pg. 93). Without the necessary resources to transition, teens with ASD find themselves unprepared for life at work, in college, or community living. Through this paper, the reader will obtain knowledge in regards to what ASD is, the barriers it yields concerning the transition into adulthood, and the effects it has on the individual as well
...manifest developmental, behavioral, and emotional problems. This implies the interpersonal nature of trauma and may explain the influence of veteran Posttraumatic Stress Disorder on the child’s development and eventual, long-term and long-lasting consequences for the child’s personality. (
Judith Herman, from Trauma and Recovery, said “Traumatic events are extraordinary, not because they occur rarely, but rather because they overwhelm the ordinary human adaptations to life” (John A. Rich, Theodore Corbin, & Sandra Bloom, 2008. Trauma does not involve the same experiences for everyone; each individual is unique in that they, and only they, can decide what is traumatic for them. Before discussing what positive things can come from suffering a traumatic experience, one must first understand that negative things can arise as well. Trauma “shatters people’s basic assumptions about themselves and the world they live in”. Three basic assumptions are challenged by trauma: (1) the belief in personal invulnerability; (2) the perception of the world as meaningful and comprehensible; and (3) the view of ourselves in a positive light” (Baumgardner & Crothers, 2009, p. 67)....
Trauma is an overwhelming experience that causes injury to a person's psychological state of mind. Complex trauma, on the other hand, is a term used by the National Child Traumatic Stress Network (NCTSN). In which an increased emphasis is placed on the impact of multiple traumatizing events that occur during child development stages. As well as an increase in sensitivity of those traumas involving close personal relationships, such as caregivers and siblings (Forkey 3). Children exposed to complex trauma suffer from detrimental short-term and long-term effects on every aspect of their child development. These effects significantly impact their overall "quality of life," specifically affecting areas of cognitive functioning, neurobiological
How does someone overcome the traumatic experiences they suffered with in their childhood? “Nobody had a perfect childhood, not even the kid down the street whose family seemed to have it all together. We all grew up with some sort of dysfunction, and we’re all who we are today because of it,” an excerpt from the article “The New Normal – Healing from a Dysfunctional Family.” A person’s dysfunctional childhood could sprout from neglect, abuse, loss, or psychological aspects that they have no control over but, every bad encounter can be overcome by the strongest people. “Emotional and psychological trauma is the result of extraordinarily stressful events that shatter your sense of security, making you feel helpless in a dangerous world,”( Lawrence Robinson, Melinda Smith, and Jeanne Segal). The three steps to overcome is understanding, coping, and healing (Dania Vanessa). Each of
Within psychology adolescence is described as a period of transition from childhood to adulthood. It is a period between year twelve and late teens, when the physical growth is complete, the person becomes sexually mature and establishes identity (Nolen-Hoeksema, Friedricson, Loftus & Wagenaar, 2009). During this period of development, the individual has to face several risk factors, which are considered as a hazard on normal psychological development of an individual (Colman, 2009). This means, that experiencing them is associated with vulnerability, developing mental health problems and problematic behaviors such as for instance greater risk taking, school related deviance and school failure, teen pregnancy, substance misuse, aggression, violence or vandalism or in other words delinquency and antisocial behavior (Perkins & Borden, 2003). Therefore risk factors have a potential not just endanger the present developmental period, but also jeopardize the future biological and psychological development (Beam, Gill-Rivas, Greenberger & Chen, 2002; Perkins & Borden, 2003). However, not all young individual will respond to risk factors by developing negative outcomes. Some develop resilience and adapt to changes and stressors (Crawford, 2006; Perkins & Borden, 2003). Furthermore it has been suggested, that risk factors are desirable for developing this kind of positive outcome (Fergus & Zimmerman, 2005). According to Fonagy et. al. (1994) (cited in Crawford, 2006) resilience can be defined as normal development under difficult conditions. It leads to overcoming and coping with the negative effects of exposure to risk factors (Fergus & Zimmerman, 2005). To maintain this, protective factors need to be put in place (Fergus & Zimmerman, 2...
Posttraumatic Growth (PTG) describes the phenomenon of traumatized people growing – becoming stronger, healthier, happier, and in all aspects better – as a result of their traumatic experiences. PTG can be expressed as the improvement experienced in various facets of one’s life and self, as a result of having struggled with trauma. Calhoun and Tedeschi began asking, in the 1980s, about the possibility of people growing from their traumatic experiences. Tedeschi and Calhoun describe PTG as ‘positive psychological change experienced as a result of the struggle with highly challenging life circumstances’. Put differently, ‘posttraumatic growth is positive change that the individual experiences as a result of the struggle with a traumatic event’. The end result is that growth can occur after trauma. The key to the growth is struggle; the individual experiences growth after much struggle with the trauma to find its particular meaning and purpose, with a new worldview to better make sense of the traumatic experience. Trauma leads to struggle with painful experiences and suffering through the symptoms that consequently
... exposed to abusive environments show delays or restrictions in their physical growth as well as in their mental development (Smith, 1975).
Trauma relates to a type of damage to the mind that comes from a severely distressing event. A traumatic event relates to an experience or repeating events that overwhelmingly precipitated in weeks, months, or decades as one tries to cope with the current situations that can cause negative consequences. People’s general reaction to these events includes intense fear, helplessness or horror. When children experience trauma, they show disorganized or agitative behavior. In addition, the trigger of traumas includes some of the following, harassment, embarrassment, abandonment, abusive relationships, rejection, co-dependence, and many others. Long-term exposure to these events, homelessness, and mild abuse general psychological
This research is guided by two major theories. First, Transactional Theory, which is a widely accepted theory of coping developed by Richard Lazarus and Susan Folkman. Second, the Control Theory developed by Charles Carver and Michael Scheier.
Provide written reflection on your own current skills and competencies against professional standards and organizational objectives given in the scenario. [1.1]
Mental health refers to the state of individuals psychologically, emotionally and socially. Mental health affects a person’s emotions, feelings, thoughts, and sections when exposed to different situations. Furthermore, mental health is responsible for a person’s reaction to stress and other social conditions. Generally, mental health affects how a person relates to others and their ability to understand and interact with them. Therefore, problems that affect a person’s mental health affect the abilities to socialize, their feelings, moods, reaction to situations. The person experiencing mental health problem may portray different behaviors when confronted with different issues. Mental health issues have several