Post-Production Sound

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In the world of independent films it is often over looked just how important post production sound is. Post production sound is usually one of the first things that's cut when post budgets get tight. I can't stress enough how important a great mix is to your film and how the audience will judge the quality of your film and overall product by the way it sounds. Nothing takes you out of a film quicker than bad sound.[pullquote align="right"]Tip: It is always more cost effective for a production to have the film editing complete and the picture locked before you start the post production sound.[/pullquote]

So, we are going to dedicate next few articles to post production sound and help you understand just how important this step is to the success …show more content…

The sound editor works closely with the director, producers, post-production supervisor and picture editor. The sound editor will carry out the vision of the films sound and will be in charge of creating, developing, editing, mixing and overseeing all aspects of the post-production sound. The sound editor is ultimately responsible for designing and creating all aspects of a film's sound from the dialog, ADR, sound effects to the re-recording mix of the final masters for the film. Depending on the size of the production, the sound editor may also carry out the job duties of the sound …show more content…

The sound designer works closely with the supervising sound editor to help create, acquire and manipulate the sound elements with in the film.

Dialog Editor

[pullquote align="right"]Tip: Poorly edited dialog is one of the biggest problems with independent films sound.[/pullquote]The dialog editor is a member of the sound crew who specializes in editing dialog for the film. A dialog editor will receive the finished cut of the film and organize, edit and clean up the dialog tracks. The main goal of the dialog editor is to seamlessly edit the dialog to help smooth out the transitions between takes, scenes and locations. It is normal for the dialog editor to be involved in the ADR process.

Sound Effects Editor

The sound effects editor is a member of the post production sound crew who specializes in editing the sound effects for the film. The sound effects editor will create and edit any sound effects that are not considered foley.


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