Positive Reinforcement Essay

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Time-out from Positive Reinforcement:
A Review of the Literature
Time-out from positive reinforcement is one of the most widely used interventions employed to discipline problem behaviours in children; however it can be beneficial in a variety of areas (Everett, 2010). The purpose of this paper is to review a variety of literature on time-out from positive reinforcement; including what it is, when it is appropriate to use it, effectiveness factors and ethical issues.
There is no singular definition for time-out from positive reinforcement (TO), it is a behavioural change strategy that can be referred to as an individual losing access to a positive reinforcement for a specific time period because of a certain behaviour (Cooper, Heron, & Heward, 2007). It can be implemented in two ways, exclusion and non-exclusion; in exclusion time out (ETO) an individual is either partially or completely removed from the instructional setting (e.g. sitting in a chair in the corner or in a seclusion room). In non-exclusion time-out (NETO) an individual is not physically removed, rather the positive reinforcer is removed from them, for example taking away a child’s toy (Cooper et al., 2007). For ETO to work effectively the environment from which the subject is removed must be a reinforcing environment, such as in the study conducted by Fabiano et al. (2004) where a token economy was established in which children earned and lost points based on their behaviour with the points resulting in rewards, being placed in TO removed the ability to earn points and rewards. For NETO to work, what the individual deems to be a positive reinforcer must be established and then removed for a specific time (Mansdorf, 1977). In a study by Mansdorf (1977)...

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...ing the TO, such as if an individual is put in a seclusion room, there should be a window and the person should be supervised for the entire time, the room should also be clean, appropriately lit and empty of all unnecessary items to reduce the chance of injury or property damage (Ryan et al., 2007). Also if partial ETO is being used, such as in a classroom, the child should be in full view of the teacher and be able to be supervised accordingly, again they should be out of reach of anything they could use to harm themselves or others (Ryan et al., 2007).
Overall time-out from positive reinforcement is a usual and effective measure in the reduction of noncompliant behaviour in school children and those with developmental disabilities. For TO to be effective it must be implemented correctly at appropriate times and the ethical principles must always be adhered to.

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