Political Compromises Essay

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Between the period of 1820-1861 there was a number of political compromises done in order reduce the sectional tension between the North and the South. While each of the compromises created helped the issue that the country was facing at that time, they did not help overall. The compromises were only a temporary fix for the country’s problem of sectionalism. Therefore while political compromises were effective in reducing the tension between the North and the South it did not help in preventing the civil war. The North and the South had a vast amount of political differences, one of the major one was slavery. While the North consisted of Free States with slavery illegalized, the South heavily depended on slave labor. This caused numerous disagreements between the two sections of the country on whether slavery should be allowed to expand or not. With the Louisiana Purchase in 1803, the debate on whether the new states entering the Union should be allowed to come in as slave states. During that time the United States consisted of eleven free states and eleven slave states, which allowed equal representation of both sections in the government. The Compromise of
California which was quickly populated due to the gold rush in 1849 would be allowed into the Union as a free state along with New Mexico. The acceptance of California as a free state would upset the balance of the number of free states and slave states. Furthermore New Mexico, Oregon and Utah would lead to further unbalance in the representation of both sections. The Compromise of 1850 would allow California to enter the Union as a free state and leave New Mexico, Oregon, and Utah to be decided by the people in what was called popular soverighnty. It also would abolish slave trade in Washington D.C. and pass the Fugitive Slave Act to favor the

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