Police Use Of Force Essay

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What is Use of Force in policing? Use of force is police using force to control a subject who is not willing to obey a command. Force includes pointing firearms, takedowns, and hobbles, striking a person, the use of chemical sprays, and using a minor weapon like taser or bean bag (Stewart, Henning, and Renauer, 2012). Use of force has been used on suspects who are not willing to let a police officer arrest them. Someone who is willing to endanger the lives of the people around them. Use of force is used to protect themselves and their colleagues. The issues with the use of force are someone who dies at the hands of police who had a nonviolent offense (Moskos, 2014).

Use of force is used to arrest a suspect who is not willing to go on good terms. An example of police use of force is if a suspect who is being approached by an officer to get arrested and the suspect …show more content…

There are also ways to keep a police officer from using unnecessary use of force. The way to let the community know is by educating the community, knowing when police officers use force and why it is necessary to use it. Police officers are trained to keep control and know when to use force (Moskos, 2014). People control dangerous situations differently, not everyone takes the right steps. Everyone commits mistakes. Police officers face danger in their everyday work. I'm not sure if educating the community will help because the community believes whatever the media says. If there is a video that shows a police officer using force again a black male the media would use that. The media twists words to get more rating to get more audience to watch their show. I am not sure if there is a solution for the public to see that the use of force is used in the right way because people would believe whatever someone tells them. The point is the media makes this a problem because they would say anything to get the public

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