Police Officers Need for More Training

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“There are three kinds of people in the world. There are wolves and there are sheep. And then there are those who protect the sheep from the wolves” (Christopher Shields qtd, Police Line). There are many sheep in the world, but for every sheep there is a wolf. In this quote, those protecting the sheep are police officers. The men and women of the police force choose to defend the “sheep” everyday. These “sheep” are everyday citizens, while the wolves are the criminals. Those protecting the sheep in this quote are often in danger just like police officers are often in danger while protecting citizens. Though police cadets go through many months of training, it does not help to fully prepare the new officers for everyday situations. It is necessary for the community that cadets are provided with more complete training that will benefit the officers once they are on the job.
“In 1844, New York City had two police forces; daytime duty and the night watch,” (Sabath, n.d.). Having both night and daytime forces allowed a twenty-four hour watch to protect the “sheep” of such a large city from the “wolves.” The police chiefs were in charge of the police department during this time. (“The Early Days of American,” n.d.). Though police chiefs are still in charge, they are now named Police Commissioner. Having a certain person to preside over the entire department is important, so the police officers are obeying the laws as well, and not just strong-arming the citizens. If the police officers were simply abusing their power over everyone, they would be just as bad as a “wolf.” In making sure that every component of a civilian's life has some form of protection, it allowed the police force to become a profession. The night and daytime shifts ...

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Sabath, D. O. (n.d.). The Evolution of American Policing. Retrieved October 8, 2013, from Police History website: http://www.aphf.org/hist.html
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