Police Brutality Essay

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In the year of 2016 there were many cases of police brutality in the U.S. There were over 1,000 people killed due to police brutality. Many of these cases resulted in a police officer not being convicted. Someone is killed every 7 hours by a police officer which is a crazy statistics. In this essay you’ll realise why installing these cameras will help reduce police brutality rates across the U.S. In this essay you will see how it is possible that if cops use body cameras and why cars should have dashboard cameras and how this can help reduce police brutality rates across the U.S.

The reason why Dashboard cameras are so important is because there have many cases of police brutality which is unnecessary force used by the police. In the U.S. a Black person is 3 times more likely to be shot and killed by a police officer than any other race in this country. 98% of the time a Black man is beat by police the officer is usually not convicted. So you can say it’s almost certain that a cop will get away with police brutality.For every 1,000 cases 1 cop will …show more content…

If it is safer for them this can have a huge impact on police brutality in America. On the other hand, a study shows that in Rialto California, the use of police declined by 60% in their first year of cops using body cameras. Also, complaints by the citizens are round the area by about 88%. A huge change in just a short amount of time from using these cameras. In fact is it’s proven that if someone in general public they are less likely to be violent.So if the general public will be less violent and so will cops won’t this help solve our problem in the U.S. Meanwhile, these cameras can make a police officer be accountable for his actions. This can help prevent cases all across the U.S. and can't help us civilians see both sides of the

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