Poldip3 Synthesis Essay

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Alternative splicing facilitates the development of HCC either by generating oncogenic variants or by inactivating the tumor suppressors. For example, an alternative POLDIP3 transcript promotes hepatocellular carcinoma progression (18). POLDIP3 is a target of ribosomal protein S6 kinase 1, and regulates DNA replication and mRNA translation. The alternative POLDIP3 transcript (POLDIP3-β), which lacks exon 3 and 29 amino acids, was found to be significantly up-regulated in clinical hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) tissues compared to paired adjacent noncancerous hepatic tissues. This POLDIP3-β isoform has been shown to increase HCC cell proliferation, inhibit HCC cell apoptosis, enhance HCC cell migration, and promote xenograft growth. Another example is the cell fate determinant protein, Numb, which is aberrantly spliced in HCC and promotes proliferation and invasion (19). …show more content…

In HCC cell lines, PRRL generally promotes and PRRS suppresses proliferation, migration, invasion, and colony formation. PRRL-Numb expression has been shown to increase in HCC and associate with early recurrence and thus reduced overall survival after surgery (19). It was observed that, in HCC cell lines and tumors, insulin receptor (IR) is aberrantly spliced and promotes expression of the mitogenic isoform of insulin receptor (IR-A) that generally expressed in the embryonic tissues but not in the adult liver. In contrary to the isoform IR-B that is normally expressed in the adult liver and promotes metabolic effects of insulin, IR-A signals proliferative effects via binding to insulin-like growth factor II (IGF-II). An IR-B to IR-A switch has been frequently observed in HCC tumors regardless of tumor etiology

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