Liver Cancer Essay

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Liver Cancer
What is Liver Cancer?
Liver cancer is abnormal cell growth on or within the liver. Liver cancer is either starts in the liver (called primary liver cancer) or it spreads to the liver (called metastatic liver cancer). Metastatic liver cancer is more common in United States and Western Europe, while primary liver cancer is common in third world nations. Liver cancer is the third most commonly diagnosed cancer in the world. In the United States, it affects twice as many men as women; the average diagnosis age for liver cancer is 67.

What different types of liver cancers exist?

Hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) may begin as a single tumor that grows larger over time or as a group of small tumors on and inside the liver that multiply and grow. HCC is most common in people with cirrhosis (chronic liver damage) or Hepatitis, and it is the most common form of liver cancer in adults. This type of liver cancer accounts for 4 out of 5 primary liver cancer diagnosis.

Intrahepatic cholangiocarcinoma (bile duct cancer) starts in the cells that line the liver’s bile ducts (small tubes that carry waste to the gallbladder). About 10% to 20% of primary liver cancers are intrahepatic cholangiocarcinomas.

What are some symptoms of liver cancer?

Most often there will be no signs of the disease until it is advanced in stage. But when symptoms do occur, they may be:

Pain on the right side of the upper abdomen
Back and shoulder pains
Loss of appetite
Feelings of fullness
Weight loss
Jaundice (yellowing of the eyes and skin)

How is liver cancer diagnosed?

Physical examination is used to evaluate enlargement and/or tenderness liver by touch and visual inspection. An enlarged or tender liver is a ...

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... Limiting alcohol and tobacco use
- Getting and staying at a healthy weight
- Limiting exposure to cancer-causing chemicals
- Treating disease that increase liver cancer risk

Famous people with liver cancer:
- Christopher Glen – CBS Radio Anchor
- Donald Reese – NFL Football player

Liver Cancer survivor:

Created by: Mikayla D. Williams

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