Pluralism with Multiple Methods of Adaptation

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Pluralism with Multiple Methods of Adaptation Gould and Lewontin present an argument criticizing the way evolutionary science solely relies on adaptations in the current environment. Their argument, known as pluralism, asserts that evolutionary biology continues on the path adaptationism without ever exploring other methods. Gould and Lewontin propose several alternative approaches, the fourth of which states that an identical trade into different organisms of the same species can be led to in different ways that have the same result. They assert that organisms that do this are a product of selection even though they used one method instead of another does not enhance the fitness of the organism. To demonstrate this, suppose there are two foxes. The first is able to dig the burrow using its front paws and snout while the second uses its hind legs followed by the front paws. In this scenario both of these foxes dig equally sufficient burrows at the same speed and both are able to remain and live comfortably inside of them. The foxes come to the same result by utilizing different meth...

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