Title: Reconstructive & Cosmetic Plastic Surgery: a Pro or a Con? Introduction w/ thesis: Is it the bigger, perkier breasts, the taught tummy, the lifted butt, or the younger looking face that draws people to plastic surgery? Is it the cost, the pain, the perception of being “fake” because you got plastic surgery that pushes people away from wanting to get the surgery? Have you ever considered getting reconstructive or cosmetic plastic surgery? Are you for or against the surgeries? Plastic surgery should only be performed for medical reasons, such as a broken nose, embarrassing or unwanted scars from an accident, or a birth deformity, such as a cleft palate. People get plastic surgery because they want to be perfect in all aspects and improve …show more content…
According to Ruth Lijtmaer’s article, The Beauty and the Beast Inside: The American Beauty—Does Cosmetic Surgery Help?, she states that, “American society’s feminine ideal has consistently emphasized youth as beauty and getting old as ugly” (Para 1). S.J Thorpe, B. Ahmed, and K. Steer’s article, Reasons for Undergoing Cosmetic Surgey: a Retrospective study states, “Research suggests that plastic surgery can be of both physical and psychological benefit to patients” (Pg. 2). Some people get plastic surgery because they want to improve their appearance, their self-confidence, and have a better looking body. Others do it for more serious reasons. Addiction, previous accidents, and to hide something they are ashamed of. Often, people who get plastic surgery are overly happy with the results, thus making them think that they need to have more procedures done. They spend thousands upon thousands of dollars that they don’t have to get plastic surgery done. They usually don’t need the plastic surgery done in the first place. People’s addiction to plastic surgery is somewhat like an addiction to nicotine in cigarettes. They get a natural high from how good they look once healed from the surgery and they think they need more to make themselves look …show more content…
Your health can be improved with plastic surgery. Women with extremely large breasts, suffer with severe back problems, getting a reduction can help with that. People with a deviated septum, or a crooked nose, have trouble breathing, especially when active or while sleeping. The airway is partially blocked and is unable to travel through your nose to your lungs or out to the world. Plastic surgery is often the answer to cases where people have been in severe accidents and have major wounds. People are embarrassed having huge scars or just don’t like the constant reminder of something bad that happened in the past. In order to correct that a skin graft can be done to cover up most of the damaged area. Plastic surgery helps improve how old you look on the outside. A face lift or even Botox can help to tighten any sagging or loose and unwanted
In today society, beauty in a woman seems to be the measured of her size, or the structure of her nose and lips. Plastic surgery has become a popular procedure for people, mostly for women, to fit in social class, race, or beauty. Most women are insecure about their body or face, wondering if they are perfect enough for the society to call the beautiful; this is when cosmetic surgery comes in. To fix what “needed” to be fixed. To begin with, there is no point in cutting your face or your body to add or remove something most people call ugly. “The Pitfalls of Plastic Surgery” explored the desire of human to become beyond perfection by the undergoing plastic surgery. The author, Camille Pagalia, took a look how now days how Americans are so obsessed
Surgeons discussed their widespread discomfort about how many people were getting plastic surgery because of these programs. When they were asked what they’re greatest fear is they responded, “The reason for getting plastic surgery”. They believe it is encouraging them to altar themselves in a negative manner. This is also one of the issues that Pink, an American singer, song writer, and actress brings to attention in her video “Stupid
...ters of the covers of women’s magazines include at least one message about how to change a woman’s body image by cosmetic surgery. These articles about appearance are damaging because it leads to seriously unhealthy lifestyles that women and teenagers think they need to look beautiful. In addition to that, Teen Magazine published in 2003 an article saying that children from age 6-12 have been on a diet and are now considering plastic surgery. Cosmetic surgery sends the message that the prejudices some people have about appearance are valid, which is very wrong.
Cosmetic surgery is essentially not a bad thing. Some people suffer facial and body injuries or are born with a deformity which can only be corrected by plastic surgery. Cosmetic surgery can also be a life saver in cases of extreme obesity. However, some people-especially young females- are becoming too obsessed with their looks and body. The quest of finding the perfect body has led many to the operating table, opting for multiple cosmetic surgeries.
Plastic surgery is one of the most growing fields in medicine. Reconstructive surgery is one of the branches from plastic surgery and it is defined as surgeries performed to restore facial and body defects caused by a disease, trauma, burns, or birth defects (Nelson, 2010). When it first started, it focused on helping people who are having difficulty blending in society. For instance, during the Renaissance era, in the late 1700s, doctors worked on enhancing the appearance of patients suffering from the nose deformation caused by syphilis using plastic surgery. Enabling them to blend in society and cover the disease. Also, after World War I, because there were a large number of soldiers with disfiguring injuries, the United States of America relied on plastic surgeries to improve the life of wounded soldiers (Nelson, 2010). The other branch of plastic surgery is cosmetic surgery. This type of surgery is performed to preserve or restore normal appearances, or to enhance it beyond the average level (American Board of Cosmetic Surgery, 2014). For the last couple of years, Plastic surgery marketing has focused massively on cosmetic surgery procedures rather than reconstructive ones. This type of advertising is having negative effects on society by increasing the number of needless procedures, changing the true meaning of beauty, and harming females’ self-esteem.
In conclusion, the benefits of cosmetic surgery differ between people and situations; any negative thoughts of others may have an effect on a person’s decision to have a procedure done, but it is for the patient to decide if changing their body is the right decision for them. Regardless of the influences on the younger generation, unrealistic ideologies of patients, and moral issues others may have, plastic surgery will continue to be a huge part of society. However, society should be focusing on how to encourage others to seek happiness in whatever they seem fit, rather than choose to destroy the aspirations of others who choose to build a perfect body for
My research paper will explain the benefits of plastic surgery. People often have a lot of doubt when it comes to plastic surgery, but it can actually have many positive attributes, both physically and psychologically such as improving one’s health, lifestyle, and confidence
Most of us don't like some aspect of our appearance, whether it's sagging eyes or excess weight in particular areas, to name a few complaints. Lately a record numbers of Americans are doing something about it by having plastic surgery. Since 1995, the number of cosmetic procedures, which range from liposuction to facelifts, has almost tripled (English 23). Is that a healthy choice-or a dangerous trend? Aging has become the field of the future for plastic surgeons whose patients have reasons not always valid in the search for youth and beauty.
Some people have decided that plastic surgery may help improve someones mental health and therefore should be included in health care insurance, I think this is just absurd. I am all for the improvement of mental health care considering it is very lacking in this country but I also think that until there is more proof to this argument we should not include it in everyones medical insurance fees. America is having a crises when it comes to mental health care and already doesn't include mental health care in many insurance policies as it is and this far fetched idea may not be a good thing to add in for the general public until we have more evidence to support this topic. However, I don't think general cosmetic surgery should be allowed, I do see the benefit of other "cosmetic" surgeries such as gender reassignment surgery which I feel these are less cosmetic and more geared towards mental health.Basically, I generally disagree with the idea that cosmetic
Some people’s obsession with plastic surgery is obviously getting out of control. It starts with only getting one thing fixed or corrected but then quickly escalates and before you know it, a face that once was all-flesh turns into plastic. According to a study conducted by Nigel Mercer (2009), “The number of official cosmetic surgeries has more than tripled to 34,000 since 2003”. The two reasons why plastic surgery should be banned are because of its high health risks, and because of the additional pressure it puts on people to look picture-perfect.
Cosmetic Surgery is a great discovery that has been around for many centuries. “The history of plastic surgery origins in the early 800 B.C. when surgeons in India restored noses to persons who had them taken off as a form of punishment.” (History of Cosmetic Surgery, 2008) Many people have used over the years cosmetic and reconstructive surgery to enhance their physical appearance weather it be for health problems associated with birth defect or problems that they have developed over the years or to even alter physical appearances for instance nose jobs and tummy tucks. There are numerous types of cosmetic surgery that can be done today in the United States, over the year’s surgeons techniques have improved dramatically. There are a number of pro’s and con’s that go along with cosmetic surgery, such as the amount of recovery time and the initial cost of surgery. Statistics also show that cosmetic surgery has grown so rapidly over the years it is phenomenal people who receive cosmetic surgery goes up by the millions every year. While there can be many related health risks due to cosmetic sugary, many times cosmetic surgery is necessary and its is made more affordable than thought to be.
Have you ever looked in the mirror and not liked what you saw? Haven’t we all? How about this, have you ever looked in the mirror and considered spending thousands of dollars to change what you see? Nope, me neither, but unfortunately thousands of people everyday do. Whether it’s a new nose, bigger breasts, an uplifted face, or any other cosmetic surgery, everyday someone is going under the knife to feel better about themselves. Now you may think, well that’s fine if they’re happy that way. However, it is most likely that after a surgery they will be more upset with what they see. There are many risks ignored by patients having cosmetic surgery
Plastic surgery seems to be the norm in today’s culture. I am not talking about the reconstructive surgery done to people involved in accidents or having plastic surgery complete to improve their health. I am talking about when people completely
The world of cosmetic surgery is one of the largest and fastest growing industries worldwide, bringing in billions of dollars each year with cosmetic procedures that both men and women are having, in order to improve their looks, self esteem, and fulfilling societies norms and values. Cosmetic surgery has been accepted in certain cultures, this is a way of expressing who the person is. In my opinion cosmetic surgery is a good thing for individuals to pursue. As cosmetic surgery improves mental and physical well being, cosmetic surgeries through media, as cometic surgeries are improving health related issues, and creating opportunities for people.
There are so many good and bad things that can come from getting plastic surgery. This essay will tell you all the effects, good and bad, that come from getting plastic surgery. The main reasons that people get plastic surgery are Medical, Personal, and at times for career enhancement. Though we all should be satisfied with our looks we aren’t so one way of going about fixing it is by plastic surgery. Some people choose this method sometimes as a way of medical recommendation. Another way is for personal use and just to feel better about them. The last effect of plastic surgery is in some ways to advance in the career path you have chosen. There are so many reasons why people choose this but this essay will focus