Planning A Funeral

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If you are in charge of planning a funeral for a loved one, and have never planned a funeral before, it can be a little confusing to know who to pay beyond the physical location which is hosting the funeral and the funeral home that is taking care of your loved one’s body. Here are four people that you should pay that will play a part in the funeral process for your loved one.
Religious Personnel
If you have a member of a religious organization preside over your loved one’s funeral, you need to compensate them for their time. Generally, they will not present you with a bill since taking care of people when they pass away and their families is part of their job description. Instead, you should offer them a honorarium, which is essentially a donation to the religious organization member …show more content…

However, it is custom to offer more in the range of a couple hundred of dollars due to the amount of time that most religious personnel may have spent with your loved one before they passed and offering guidance and counseling to family members after your loved one’s passing.
Often times, a musician will play music at a funeral. Perhaps the church’s organist will play, or maybe the church choir will sing a few songs of your choosing during the service, or perhaps a local music group will play a few songs. Whomever provides the music, even if they don’t present you directly with a bill, you should offer them a tip for their services. They had to spend time preparing for the funeral and then being physically present for the funeral as well.
A tip somewhere between fifty to a hundred dollars should cover the amount of time the musician was there as well as their set-up and transportation costs. However, if there are multiple musicians or you know that they came a long distance to provide music for your loved one’s funeral, you may want to tip them more than that.
Flower Delivery

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