Plagiarism, Collusion In Nursing Research

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DCU School of Nursing and Human Sciences
Assignment Submission
Student Name(s): Kim Mc Donnell
Student Number(s): 16706829
Programme: Bachelor of Nursing Studies (Hons)
Project Title: Personal and professional development
Module code: NS110
Lecturer: Mary Kelly
Project Due Date: 5th January 2017
I declare that this material, which I now submit for assessment, is entirely my own work and has not been taken from the work of others, save and to the extent that such work has been cited and acknowledged within the text of my work. I understand that plagiarism, collusion, and copying is a grave and serious offence in the university and accept the penalties that would be imposed should I engage in plagiarism, collusion, or copying. I have read …show more content…

Autonomy considers participants as being independent and capable of making their own informed decisions and managing any concerns or doubts they may have. (Hadicre. J, 2014). Nurses feel a responsibility to use research evidence in decisions in the healthcare setting and in the care plans for patients. Although new knowledge is generated from research is occurs through a natural process. Nurses are encouraged to build up knowledge on an area of interest through reading research reports on the topic. (Smith, 1998). Ethical issues are concerned with the rules and principles of human behaviour. It is the responsibility of the researcher to safeguard the participants’ rights throughout all stages of the research (Holloway and Wheeler, 2010; Nieswiadomy, 2012). “The principle of autonomy implies that responsibility must be given to the individual to make the decision to participate. Informed consent means that the potential participants are well informed about the research study, the potential risks and benefits of their participation and that it is research, not therapy, that they will participate in.” (Shahnazarian. D,

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